Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday October 30th, 2011 AM

What another nice morning. a little warmer this morning at 47 degrees, still had a nice chill in the air though.  Just after shooting light I heard something walking toward me.  It was still pretty dark and I never saw it until I heard a growl behind me. It was a dog growl and it spooked the deer and ran back where it came from.  I was disappointed thinking the neighbors dog was out.  Well, much to my surprise about 5 minutes later I saw a coyote come up from behind me.  I got good video. He did not present a close enough shot though.  I then saw his buddy and I watched them corner a rabbit until it snuck around them and took off. They chased after it.  About 2 minutes later one of them came back to about 25 yards. Just as I was about to pull back he spotted me and was long gone.  That was it for me this morning.

Totals: Taylor: 1 deer: 1?  2 Coyotes

I was very pleased to check the camera again and find that we had a couple of bucks!  One of them is the Big 9. I was very happy as I hadn't seen him in a while.  He sure is a great buck but you can tell he is only 3 1/2 compared to the 4 1/2 year old that I was calling High Brow.  I changed my mind on High Brows name and am going to call him B-Funk. This is because he has messed up brow tines.  The other buck is a goofy 2 1/2 year old without any brow tines.  We will call him No-Brow.

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