Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010 - Finally a decent buck

I finally got a picture of a decent buck. I also got this picture of a small 6 pointer. This guy will be off limits this year. This year the DNR has decided to make our area QDM. All adults will have to shoot does or bucks with more than 4 points on one side. This should help us grow some bigger bucks. There is no party hunting for buck either. It will also prevent Arlie's crew from shooting all of the small bucks. Needless to say, I am really excited.

Hopefully, more photos coming soon. These were taken by the ladder stand in the woods north of my house. I was able to help Lon and Sue get their cameras up this past weekend too. Ideally, we will see some photos of some big boys down there. Stay tuned.

New Stands a Romance 7-24-10

I drove to Wisconsin this weekend to do some fishing and build some new bow stands. The streams were all blown out from all the rain and were pretty much chocolate milk. That allowed me to focus on the task at hand. Lon and I started building a new permanent stand where "Octopussy" was last year. On Friday evening, we got the cross pieces in and that was all that we could get done before dark. The next morning, we finished the stand, and trimmed all of the shooting lanes. The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon, we walked the north hillside looking for new stand locations. I found found a shed of a 3 x 3 in a small clearing and found a good spot for the portable that we had just taken down. We will be calling this stand horoscope and you will see why in a bit. Lon and Sue were exhausted so they went back to the house. I decided to move the lumber up to the other stand location. I had to take two trips up the hill about 200 yards up a fairly steep embankment. I found another shed of a 4 x 4. What a lucky day! Needless to say, I was tired too. I carried up the 7 foot 2" x 10's" first and then carried up 7 deck boards on the last trip. That was enough for the day. I was dripping sweat. It looked like I had just gotten out of a pool.
The next morning, we built "Everest." It is named because that is what it felt like carrying everything up the hill on Saturday and all of the building materials on Sunday. Lon and Sue helped me clear some shooting lanes, so we should be all set for the fall. All we will need now is some steps/ladders for the two new stands.
So why horoscope for the new stand name? I was reading the paper on Saturday night July 24, 2010 after we put in the two new stands. Mine for a Virgo was as follows. "Today is a 7. Maintain your focus on work today. You may wish you were out playing, but finishing up now is a high priority. There's a bonus ahead." I thought that it was pretty appropriate. I just hope it is in the form of "Big Bone" on top of a mature bucks head this fall.

Stay tuned and follow us all season long.

Buck Slayer.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nothing Huge-But Bucks are around

Well, the 2010 bow season is just around the corner. I put the camera out a couple of weeks ago, and I finally captured a couple of small bucks on the cameras. I am planning on heading down to Copper Creek this weekend to build the new permanent "Octopussy" at Romance and I have a couple of ideas for other stands. Lon and I will also clean out some shooting lanes, put out his cameras and maybe do a little fly fishing. Stay tuned...Less then 2 months until the big day. Buckslayer out!