Monday, January 21, 2008

Feeding Frenzy

Just a quick update from the 009 boys. Bob and I have talked about this for at least 3 years now and it finally came to fruition the other day. We sat down and built two deer feeders. We needed to keep the bucks and does on the property through the brutal Minnesota winter. For those of you in Minnesota or Wisconsin, it has been a rough winter so far. We built two feeders with roofs on them to keep the food dry. It only took two days before they found it and did they ever. I am attaching some pictures of the deer and the damage they can do to AntlerMax, Molasses soaked alfafa, and corn. They put a hurting on 150 lbs of food in just over a week. This might become an expensive endeavor. Hope all is well and the shed hunting is going good for those of you that don't have snow on the ground.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

10-28-07 The Shot

Well, It has taken two months, but the video is finally here. Thanks to my hockey team mate Dave Brechon (#5) for his technological expertise. He was able to take the series of video clips and put together this video for your viewing pleasure. I shot this 10 pointer on October 28, 2007 on my property in SE Minnesota. He has a 17" spread and green scored 131." He field dressed at 205 lbs. I would guess he is a 3 1/2 year old buck. I made this shot at about 18 yards as he was trying to demonstrate his dominance over my smaller buck decoy. (you can see it in the foreground) After the shot you can see the buck run downhill and crash through some brush and fall within site about 50 yards away. This, along with all the video that was taken this year was shot by myself utilizing the "Dakota Bow Camera" which mounts on the stabilizer of my Matthews Switchback bow. Please post your comments and let me know what you think of this video and our blog. Any suggestions on how to improve this site are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to view our site. We have already started our supplemental feeding (2 feed stations which hold over 100 lbs of food) to help support the herd through the winter. We are eagerly awaiting Spring so we are able to begin planting our food plots. We hope you will be back to visit our site and follow our 2008 hunting season.