Friday, October 14, 2011

Miracles do happen

Well my brother Steve (aka Corky) has been bow hunting for almost 20 years and has never connected on a whitetail. He and a friend of our John Score went down yesterday for a weekend at Romance Valley Farms in Wisconsin. Steve went to one of the new stands that I built call "The Bowl." At 6:35 pm, he has this nice little 8 pointer with an 11" spread (1 and 1/2 year old) buck come in. He watched him for about 10 minutes and decided that if it gave him a good shot he would take it. He stayed out in the 40-60 yard range and he finally worked his way up the hill into range. When he got to 25 yards broadside downhill from him and he took the shot. He saw it depart with the arrow in him and the luminock fully lit. He got down and came in for help. They went out 2 hours later and recovered him in the field. The buck traveled only 125 yards after the double lung shot. Congrats on the harvest and the great shot placement! I will post some photos later once I get them as jpeg files.

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