Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday, October 9 PM

Mindi was up in the Watch Tower again hoping for revenge on the doe. It was extremely quiet all night and all that she saw were a handful of squirrels. She did hear some noise up the hill behind her but nothing came down close enough to come into view.

Taylor went to the Rock Creek stand again and had five people on horses come through and lolligag and carry on a conversation loudly for 20 minutes. He was not happy about it, but that is what comes with hunting on other people's property, you don't always know what you are going to get. He got down to change a setting on the trail camera and a skunk came through only 20 yards away. When he was walking back into the woods he kicked three deer out onto the trail. As he was walking back he looked ahead and saw the doe with her two fawns 30 yards in front of him. As he continued to walk they ran back into the woods. Totals: Mindi- 0, Taylor- 2 Fawns, 1- Doe, 1- giant skunk

Much to our surprise we checked the camera at the Rock Creek stand after the first night and we had a 10 point come through. The setting on the camera was set to low resolution but we adjusted it to high resolution so we will have clearer pictures in the future. Take a look at our 10 pointer:

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