Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011 pm

Sunday, October 23, 2011, Temp 62 degrees, Wind N-NW 5-10 mph, partly sunny, Sunset 6:18 pm, Hunting closes 6:48 pm. Not an ideal wind for the property, but we were just going to have to make do. Heidi went down to the VAT, I decided the try the point. I figured that I might not see much up close, but at least I could see what was going on down in the creek bottom from a distance. We were both set up in position by 4:20 pm. At 4:45 pm, I caught a glimpse of the mutant 5 pointer from the other night about 200 yards away near the boarder patrol stand. I only saw him for a few seconds and the he disappeared. For fun, I tried some rattling to see if he would respond, but nothing. About 20 minutes later, I saw him over by the creek stand. I rattled to him and he began working my way. He crossed the creek and ended up about 35 yards east of the stump blind. He never did come out to the main food plot. He ended up jumping back over the creek and worked back towards the east. I ended up watching him through my binocs for the better part of 45 minutes. The last I saw him he was heading to the south along the far east edge of the back food plot. At 6:25 pm, Heidi texted that she saw two does that ended up walking up the trail to the north up towards the house. At 6:30 pm, I saw a big doe in the food plot about 45 yards south of the stump. At 6:40pm, Heidi texted me and said that she had some deer behind her blowing a warning call. They must have smelled her. Totals: Bob - 2 deer, 1 buck and 1 doe, Heidi - 2 deer, 2 does.

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