Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday Morning October 24th, 2009

Had a South wind so I decided to head over to Arlies Knob. Hadn't been there all year so I didn't know what to expect. I brought stubby along and sat him to the south of me about 15 yards away. After getting in the stand and having enough light to shoot I had a deer blow twice about forty yards in front of me. I quickly found it and noticed it just walked away. It must have seen stubby and not liked him. At 8:00am I had a spike walk up the fence line on the other side of the fence to the north of me, and quickly behind him I had a fork walk up on my side of the fence. They both looked to the north and then took off back down the fence line toward the fishbowl. They were spooked by Arlies cows which came walking and fed by the fence line. Just after this I noticed two does watching the cows about forty yards in front of me. After they walked away I decided to get down because of the cows. After getting down I grabbed stubby and walked into six or seven does that were feeding between Arlies Knob and the Ladder stand.

Totals: Taylor 9 deer: 7 doe, 2 bucks - 1 spike - 1 fork

Fawnslayer Out

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