Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009 p.m.

Friday, October 16, 2009 p.m., 44 degrees, mostly cloudy, light drizzle, wind E 3-5 mph, sunset 6:28 p.m. (Hunting closes 6:58 p.m). Well after the hunt Taylor and I were really busy. We put together and hung two new ladder stands. We put one east of the Apple Tree down in the valley near the property line. We have called this one "Spaghetti Junction". It is named after the crazy merger of several interstates in Los Angles, CA. We felt as though this was appropriate as there are many trails crossing each other on all sides of the stand. We put the other ladder stand on the south border of the property between Right field and the VAT. This stand is now called "The Dump" as it is 50 yards north of my neighbors old dump. With a slight breeze from the N-NE, I decided on the inaugural sit at Spaghetti Junction or "SJ" or "the Junction." I was all settled in by 4:55 p.m. At 5:50 p.m., I looked over my right shoulder to the south and saw a big doe feeding in the food plot about 30 yards south of the Stump. After about 10 minutes, she trotted down the trail to the south towards the "sugar shack" food plot. Right at last light (6:55 p.m.), I heard something come off the hill to the east of me. It was a big doe. She saw Stubby and ended up walking nervously down wind of him. She ended up about 10 feet from the bottom of my stand. She stayed for 15 minutes or so which was well after shooting light. She finally ended up leaving back to the east. As I was about to get down, she and another deer spooked off to the east. Totals: Bob - 3 deer, 3 does.

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