Friday, November 14, 2008

November 13th, 2008 PM

November 13th, 2008 PM

In stand at 3:20. I decided to head to Right Field since nobody had been there for a while. When I got to the base of the hill I looked towards the Apple Tree and noticed about 20 turkeys running up the hill toward the Apple Tree. I cruised up to Right Field and found a bunch of trees down from a storm about a week and a half ago. There wasn't much for sign up there and I was quickly regreting my decision of going up there. At 4:15 I decided to sneak down to Pisa. After sitting in Pisa for about 10 minutes I noticed a doe with two fawns (I have seen these three deer multiple of times) in the Valley and they had just come from the Apple Tree and were walking towards Creek Bottom. Sure enough, a BIG BUCK was right behind them! I grunted, he looked and quickly turned back toward the doe. About impossible to turn a buck that is hot on a doe! I am excited to try the Apple Tree tomorrow night as that doe was still with her fawns so she hasn't "Heated" up totally yet. Maybe tomorrow night will be the night! I hope to have good news tomorrow night for all of you 009Bucks fans!

FawnSlayer Out!
Totals: Taylor: 4 deer: 1 buck: 1 doe: 2 fawns

1 comment:

ruedisili said...

Aim low fawnslayer! Buckslayer is in Sconie. Hope to post my stories soon. Only seen one little buck so far. Did get some video that I will post later. Good luck