Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010 am

Friday, October 8, 2010 am, Sunrise: 7:21 a.m. Opener: 6:51. Temp: 60 degrees, Wind: SW 10-15 mph. Mostly sunny. I just returned from a work meeting in Chicago. This not being able to hunt has been killing me. I stayed up in the cities last night with Heidi, but got up early and drove down to Cannon so that I could hunt. With the wind being from the SW, I decided to give Fish Bowl a try. On my way in, I kicked up a deer that was east of the X. It spooked and moved off to the SE. I am pretty sure that it didn't know what I was as I was up wind of it. I was all settled in for the morning hunt by 6:35. At 7:15, I looked behind me and to the SE and there was a small 4 point buck (3 small points on left and a spike on the right) on the road. He slowly walked behind me an through several of my shooting lanes. He stopped directly to the east of me and got busy on a small scrub maple tree. I got some great video. It was pretty fun to watch. See attached. I was surprised that he ended up to the north east and than straight north of me and he never knew I was there. At 7:20, I looked up the hill and on the trail I came in on there was another deer. It was too far away and in the brush to see what it was. The 4 pointer circled me and ended up walking the fence line to the north west of me. He definitely kept me entertained for a while. After about 20 minutes he decided to come back down the trail that he went up. He ended up about 10 yards to the north of my tree. I was shocked as he still had no idea that I was there. A couple of times, he walked over to Arlie's cattle fence (it has a hot wire) and sniffed it, but decided that it wasn't worth jumping over. He ended up back behind me to the east and disappeared back down in the valley. On my way in, I kicked up a doe north of the X. That was it. Totals: Bob- 2 deer, 1 buck

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