Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010 AM

Friday, October 22, 2010 am, Sunrise: 7:30 a.m. Opener: 7:00. Temp: 37 degrees, Wind: 3-5 W-NW mph. Mostly clear. Taylor and I are now hunting in Wisconsin. We got in last night around 1:00 am. After a short 4 hours of sleep, we were up and ready to go. This morning was a bit of a struggle getting ready and getting my stand set up. I decided to give Everest a try. I dropped Taylor at Octopussy, grabbed Harry and headed uphill to the north. Upon arrival, I remembered why I called this stand Everest. I carried a seat, and a screwgun so that I could hand a permanent seat. I was able to get Harry set up and the seat attached in about 10 minutes or so. I was all set up by 6:50, which was a bit later then I had hoped for. I guess that I should not have hit the snooze button this morning. At 8:00, I heard some deer coming from the north east of me. It was 2 does and a fawn. They came to within 10 yards of me and always stayed uphill of me. They were super curious/suspecious of Harry, but they never spooked. He did a great job keeping their attention. They walked around him for at least 20 minutes or so. They finally left and went back uphill to the north. At 8:20 right after they left, I heard a deer blowing downhill to the SW of me. I thought that Taylor may have shot one. We had brought the walkie-talkie and I checked in with him and he said "no.". He did say that he had already seen 3 does and had a few more deer around him. At 8:50, I looked up the hill to the NW and there were 2 does 75 yards up the hill. They saw Harry and slowly worked there way downhill towards me for a closer look. The biggest doe got to within 50 yards and then blew a warning call and spooked back up the hill to the NW. The fawn stayed around for 30 minutes in the brush about 40 yards away. After the bigger doe came and left 3 times, it finally left for good and ran off to the west. Totals: Bob - 5 deer, 5 does; Taylor - 5 deer, 3 does and 2 ?'s.

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