Monday, November 9, 2009

The Shot! Friday November 6th, 2009 PM

I finally had some time to get the video edited so I could post it on here for all of you! The best thing is that I am no longer a bow hunting virgin!

I entered the woods around 3:30 and kicked up a big doe on the way in. I decided to go to the VAT and set up some scents on the way in. I created a path to the south of me toward the rock query. They started at about 5o to 60 yards behind me at the base of the hill on the fence line. I used doe and buck urine on cotton balls and led them on the path to the food plot every 15 to 20 yards.

I was settled in shortly after. At about 4:05 I had a small doe come down the ridge to my right (East) and walked toward the "Dump" stand. Then at about 4:30 exactly I heard some breaking branches behind me. I looked and there he was! I quickly noticed that he had 10 points and I was excited! He was sniffing the first scent balls that I put out. (This is where the video begins) He then walks directly to the next scent balls. (This is the second part of the video) After smelling around he decides to walk back away from me and into the woods. I was pissed about this thinking I wasn't going to get a shot at him. But much to my surprise he turned and walked directly at the fourth scent balls. (This is where the video cuts to again) So he skipped the third set of scent balls and went into the fourth where he turns perfectly broad side for me. I was hesitant to take the shot right away because there were some twigs between him and I. I decided though that I had enough of a lane and took the shot. I hit him perfect! Took out his lungs and he only ran about 60 yards to the other side of the food plot where he tumbled behind some brush and took his last breath!

I only gave him about 45 minutes and I got down to go get him. This is a great buck for my first ever! I want to thank Bob for letting me hunt on his land and I also want to thank my wife for dealing with me being gone a lot! The ladies that have to deal with all of us hunters are some good women!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy the video and the pictures.

1 comment:

Mindi Kay said...

And let me tell you.. I couldn't have been more excited to hear that he got one.... FINALLY.... I have my husband back and Miley has her daddy back! Looks like the new American Hunting Club cookbook will come in handy now- and that means Daddy gets to cook dinner to make up for all the nights that Mommy had to do it at home alone with a toddler... pregnant.. Thanks Deer Gods for giving my Husband the perfect shot!