Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 p.m. - Full Moon

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 p.m., 52 degrees, mostly cloudy/overcast, wind E-SE 10-15 mph, sunset 6:27 p.m. (Hunting closes 6:57 p.m). Today I got home from work and it was a perfect night for hunting. Tonight is going to be a full moon, so I just had to get to a stand. After a quick shower, I decided to try my luck in the Ridgeback stand. I kicked up a couple of does on the way in that were bedded about 40 yards to the SE of the stand. I climbed up and was all settled in by 5:15 p.m. At 5:50 p.m., two does came up the hill and fed to the south about 60 yards to the east of me. For some reason, they both spooked back into the creek bottom. They must have been the same deer I kicked up on the way in. At 5:55 p.m., a small 6 pointer came from the south and feed along about 40 yards to the south of me. He looked like he was kind of heading towards Arlie's Nob. (See attached video) At 6:25, I looked towards the NE and saw two does working there way towards the house. They passed by about 30 yards to the east of me. They may have been the two small nubbin's that I have been seeing. Overall, a good night. Totals: 5 deer, 4 does and 1 buck.

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