Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008 a.m. - Doe Double

Saturday, October 11, 2008 a.m. 59 degrees, mostly sunny, wind E - SE 5-10 mph, Sunrise 7:15 a.m. (Hunting Opener 6:45 a.m.). Well the pressure was on. I needed to shoot a doe down in Wisconsin so that I "earned" my buck. I decided to go back to the north side and sit in Lon's gun stand. I was settle in by 6:20 a.m. Things started right away. At 6:55 a.m., I heard something in front of me to the north in the corn. All of a sudden two does popped out. The biggest trotted through my shooting lane to the north of me, but paused long enough in the shooting lane to the NE. I took the walking quartering away shot at about 20 yards. The shot looked a bit back, but with the quartering away angle I thought that I was in good shape. As I sat there at 7:05 a.m., another doe came down the trail to the east of me going south. She stopped and drank water from the watering hole and then disappeared behind me to the south. At 7:15 a.m., two does came from behind me down in the valley. They both stopped in the shooting lane to the west of me. I decided to take the 12 yard broad side shot and it was perfect. It took off to the SW after the shot. I thought that I heard it go down, but I decided to get down, sneak out the other direction and go and get some help. We waited 2 hours and Heidi and I started to trail the second doe first. We found both parts of the arrow within the first 10 yards. She then opened up and we found her within site of the stand. I would guess that she traveled about 30 yards. I was right, as it was a perfect heart shot. After cleaning the first one, we decided to start looking for the second one. Since both deer were shot about 10 yards apart, it was kind of difficult to figure out which blood trail was which. After about 10 minutes, I found the trail and we followed that down the new road into the valley. She made it about 70 yards and died right on one of the water bars. As I thought, it was a perfect quartering away shot and it took out the heart as well. If you have not gotten them yet, I would highly recommend "luminocks" as it was very easy to determine the flight of my arrow and see the hit. So now, I have two buck tags in my pocket. One for bow season in 2008 and one for gun in 2008. Or, I can always use it them in 2009. Very happy. (See attached) I was a little disappointed that I had forgotten to hit the record button on the first doe, so no video. Unfortunately, the angle of my camera was off, so the video that I did get on the second one was a too high. I was able to get the technical difficulties figured out, so now I am ready for when the buck shows up. Totals: 4 deer, 4 does.

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