Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010 p.m.

Saturday, September 18, 2010 pm, Sunset: 7:18 a.m. Hunting closes: 7:48 Temp: 62 degrees, Wind: N 7-8 mph. Mostly sunny. We got out a little late this afternoon because I was watching some college football. We were both settled in by 5:35. I decided to go to Spaghetti Junction and Taylor went back to Right Field. On the way in, I spooked a small back that was already in the big food plot. Taylor saw a small six pointer in the Sugar Shack food plot. At 5:55, Taylor texted me that there was a doe and fawn in the bean field to the south of him. At 6:10, another doe joined the doe and fawn in the field up by Taylor. At 6:35, I saw a small 3-4 pointer and a doe over in the main food plot. They were fairly close to the Stump Blind. The buck went up towards the Apple Tree and the doe fed out towards the Stump blind. At 6:45, Taylor saw a small spike buck and a wild cat to the SE of him along the field edge. The buck wasn't afraid and payed no attention to him. At 6:55, I saw two does running along the main trail heading to the south. Something must have spooked them. At 7:05, another doe came off the hillside and came onto the main trail. At 7:15, I had a big doe come off the hillside to the SE of me. She walked to the south of me about 25 yards away. She worked her way slowly towards the food plot. She didn't see any other deer in the food plot, so she turned back and walked back up the hill to the east. At 7:15, Taylor saw another doe and fawn walk across the bean field. That was it. Totals: Bob 6 deer, 1 buck, Taylor: 6 deer, 1 spike buck.

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