Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24th, AM Hunt

Friday, September 24, 2010 am, Sunrise: 7:02 a.m. Opener: 6:32. Temp: 52 degrees, Wind: W 25-30 mph. Mostly cloudy. After close to 10" of rain over the past 36 hours, it has finally stopped. Still it is super windy. Despite the rain, Nate had a great sit yesterday evening in the Stump. Therefore, he decided to try his luck again this morning. I too decided to stay with the "hot hand," and went back to the VAT. Yesterday, while I was picken up Nate at Cabela's, I had to see what was new in the bargin cave. I found a new in the box (although the box was damaged), full sized real life buck decoy named "Harry.". He is awesome. This is the newest real-life decoy offered by Primos. He has a real tail , two sets of antlers(big & small), taxidery eyes, a moving head, and a "furry" body. He is a bit cumbersome, but I really think he will work well at Copper and Romance. The deal was too good to pass up at 40% off.
On my way into the stand this morning, I did kick off a deer from the VAT food plot. It was too dark to see what it was. I was all settled in the stand by 6:20. At 6:55, I looked to my left and there was a doe and a fawn that had come off the hill to the N-NW down into the food plot. They ate in the beans for about 10 minutes, and then slowly worked there way back up the hill to the NW. They then turned around and bedded down over in the tall grass 25 yards away. It was just past where Taylor shot the 10 pointer last year. At 7:05, Nate texted me and said that he had a small buck hanging out over by the Apple Tree. He said he was trashing a small weed up by the AT. At 7:20, Nate had a small 6 pointer, and the same three pointer get in a fight. 40 yards to the west of him along the base of the hill. At 7:30, Nate texted that a doe and fawn were working there way west along the road that runs along the base of the hill below Pisa. The two does I saw this morning finally left after an hour. Totals: Bob - 2 deer; Nate - 5 deer, 3 bucks.

1 comment:

Pagel said...

Sounds like the small bucks are comfortable around the property! Hopefully they stay that way over the next few years! Now it is time to start seeing some bigger bucks!