Monday, November 14, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016 pm

Friday, November 11, 2016 pm. Sunset: 4:42 pm. Hunting closes: 5:12 pm. Temperature: 51 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: N-NE 5-10 mph. I have been waiting for this wind, and I finally got it. Mom and Charley gave me a ride down the road so I wouldn't spook any deer. I was all ready to go by 2:15 pm. I laid down a scent trail through the field and I put the buck and the doe decoy out front to the north of me in the field. At least I should see some deer tonight. Hopefully a big boy steps out, as I am running out of time. At 4:15 pm, I looked to the south and there were several does getting pushed/chased around by a nice shooter buck. I grunted and bleated hoping they would come up to investigate. At 4:45 pm, a two does came out in the field from the east 150 yards away. At 4:50 pm, a small 4-6 pointer came out into the field from the SE and scared the does away. Does and the same buck kept coming into the field down in the SE corner of the field. There were a total of 14 does that came out until dark. At 5:20 pm, a nice shooter buck came into the field to the NW of me. I could see him scent check all of the does, but none seemed interested. Totals: Bob - 16 deer, 14 does and fawns and 2 bucks. 

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