Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 27, 2007 PM

Friday, September 27, 2007, Temp 70 degrees, Wind N/NE 1-2 mph, slightly overcast, Sunset: 7:01 pm (hunting closed 7:31 pm)
I drove down to Ferryville, WI, and decided to go to Lon’s gun stand on the north side of the highway. Lon decided to go to the permanent stand on the north side of the property. We got into the stands at 5:10 pm. At about 6:00 pm, 3 big does came in to the field to the north of me from the east. They were in the field until dark. Lon didn’t see a deer. Overall, pretty slow evening, but at least I have now seen my first deer (s) in Wisconsin. Tomorrow morning, I am going to the new stand in “Acorn Alley.” Totals for tonight: 3 deer, 3 does.

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