Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012 pm

Monday, November 19, 2012 pm. Sunset: 4:36 pm. Hunting closes: 4:56 pm. Partly cloudy. Temperature: 50 degrees. Wind: S-SE 10-15 mph. After loading all of the bucks into the back of Don's truck we took off for Romance. I dropped off Dan at the south end of te property do he could hunt the creek bottom. I went up top. I had forgotten my safety harness so, I just sat next to a tree about 75 yards east of the stand on the ground. I was all set up by 1:55 pm. At 2:10 pm , 4 does came over the hill from the north running to the SE. There was a decent 8 pointer chasing them. He stayed on the ridge and the foes went down towards the valley. Five minutes later the same 4 does came back up the hill with a small 7 pointer following them. They all were within 60 yards , but there were no shooters. The does went back to the NW and the buck went off up the NE. Totals: Bob- 6 deer. 4 does and 2 bucks.

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