Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012 all day

Friday, November 2, 2012 all day. Sunrise: 7:43 am. Hunting opens: 7:13 am. Temperature: 23 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: N-NW. This morning found me again back up in the Ridge Top portable stand. On my way in, I had deer running all around me. I was able to get in early again and was all set up 30 minutes prior to the opener. That was good because it didn't take long. At 7:15 am, I heard something behind me to the NW. Then came a doe with another for behind her. Then came a decent 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer. With all the eyes and ears around, I was not able to capture any video. Then, a small 1 1/2 year old 4 to 6 pointer stepped out. Both bucks ended up following the first doe that had come in, and didn't bother to pay attention to the other doe. The doe and bucks ended up heading back over the hill towards the NW. The other doe ended up browsing down below me to the south. She ended up as close as 8 yards down wind of me but she never spooked. While this was going on, two more does came over the hill to the north of me. They both got to within 15 yards of me and also browsed and smelled my scent wick. Finally, at 8:30 am, the three does that were still left, departed over the hill to the north. At 9:15 am, I heard something to the NE of me. I then saw a doe on the ridge about 75 yards away. She bedded down for about a minute. Then I heard something behind her. It was a beautiful split brow buck. I think he is an 11 pointer. I looked at the video and it is "Raji."  I did get some decent video of him. The doe ran across the hill to the west to about 50 yards away and the she dropped over the hill to the north. The buck followed her. They ran around on the other side of the ridge just to the north of me, but never got close enough for a shot. At 9:25 am, a nubbin buck came over the hill to the NE of me. Instead of following the buck and doe, he came right down towards me. He got to within 6 yards of the base of my tree to the east. He ended up hanging around for a while and finally left to the SE. That was it until 5:00 pm. I looked up to the NE and a big doe had just come over the hill from the north. She walked into about 50 yards on my scent trail but the blew an spooked back to the east. At 5:15 pm, I had a 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer come in from the NW of me. He slowly worked his way down to the SW of me. I was able to get some pretty good video of him too. He ended up turning around and heading back to the north and over the hill onto the neighbors.  At 5:50 pm, I did hear another buck grunting to the SW of me, but he never came up the hill towards me.  Totals: Bob - 11 deer. 7 Does and fawns and 4 bucks.  (1 shooter "Raji")

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