Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, Spetember 21, 2012 pm

Friday, September 211, 2012. Sunset: 7:13 pm, Closes: 7:43 pm, Temp: 58 degrees, partly cloudy, Wind: N-NW 10-15 mph.  Jerry was over today with his skid loader putting in a used culvert at the north end of the "stump" food plot. I am pleased that he was able to find one and put it in for me this fall. The new drainage ditch should hopefully help prevent the erosion like we had this spring. He was also able to get some of the old grass and weeds scraped off, so it should make the spring planting easier. With the same wind that we have had all season, and with Jerry making noise over in the main valley, I decided to try my luck at the VAT.  If a nice doe presents a shot, I am going to plan on taking her. I was walking in and I stopped to take the memory card out of the camera, I heard something behind the fallen oak tree where the VAT used to be. Then I saw him. It was a nice mature Tom with a 10" beard. (See picture) He was only 20 yards away but in the brush. He ended up crossing the creek and walking up the hill to the SE towards the old dump. At 6:00 pm, Heidi's buddy the nubbin buck came charging in from the east. He stopped and got a drink from the stream, and the walked in and started eating. He sure likes the oats and the fall foliage. He fed right out in front of the camera and got his picture taken. After that, he slowly worked his way into the bean field. He stood out the and ate for 45 minutes to an hour before he finally left to the west.  That was it for me for the night. Totals: Bob- 1 deer, 1 nubbin buck.

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