Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 pm

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 pm, Sunset: 6:01 p.m. Hunting closes: 6:31 Temp: 47 degrees, Wind: SW 10-15mph. Partly sunny. Taylor hunted till noon today and saw a doe and the same 6 pointer that I got video of. However, his was much better. He had him locked in on Harry for over 20 minutes. Hilarious. Taylor decided to change things up a bit, so after lunch he went with Harry down to Spaghetti Junction. He was in the stand by 2:00. I on the other hand had to work. I had a conference call that didn't get done until after 4:30. I was smart, because I had showered and was all dressed. Therefore, I was able to be in and situated by 4:45. The wind wasn't ideal for this stand, but at least I was out hunting. At 5:45, I had a big doe come through to the south of me. She was about 15 yards away but was quartering towards me. No shot. I saw another doe behind her to the west of me. I was turned and ready to make a shot if it presented itself. As I was turning for the shot, I heard something to the east of me. That is when I saw this nice 7 pointer. H e would be an 8 pointer, but he broke off his brow tine on the left side. He was just a 1 1/2 year old, but will have some potential next year. He jumped the creek to the SE of me and joined the does to the south of me. Behind him was another buck. This was just a small 1 1/2 year old 3 pointer. I was able to get a bunch of great video. See attached. I was hoping for a 3rd buck (this time a lot larger), but he never came. Oh well. The little 3 pointer fed into the food plot to the east of me then he crossed the creek and fed up towards the dump. At 6:10, Taylor texted me and said that he saw two does in the main food plot over by the Stump blind. At 6:15, a nubbin buck crossed the creek and came into the food plot from the east. He fed to about 10 yards away then he left to the SE. At 6:25, I had a doe from the west of me come down the main trail. She got to about 15 yards and spooked underneath my stand. I looked to the west and the same 7 pointer was following her. He came out and fed right through the food plot in front of me. He disappeared after 10 minutes to the SE of me. I am fairly sure that both of these deer were the same ones I saw earlier in the night. At 6:45, Taylor came and got me and we hung the camera in the food plot 50 yards to the NE of the VAT stand and went in for the night. Totals: Bob - 5 deer, 2 Bucks; Taylor - 2 deer, 2 does.

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