Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014 pm

U Sunday, October 12, 2014 pm. Sunset 6:30 pm. Hunting closes 7:00 pm. Mostly  cloudy. Temperature: 52 degrees. Wind: S-SE 10-12 mph. Heidi was missing Charley, so she agreed to let me go and hunt. I decided to sneak into Spaghetti Junction. Adam went to the dump stand.  I had not cleared any shooting lanes, so I had to get down and trim a few branches. I climbed up into the stand  and I saw some movement to the west of me. It was a small 6 pointer about 40 yards away. He was going north but he ended up turning around and went to the south and the circled to the east about 50 yards out. He never had any idea that I was there. At 6:05 pm. I had a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer come in to the scrape to the SE of me. He came from the south and walked pass at 12 yards. He smelled around the scrape for a minute or two and then walked off to the north. I did get some great video. At 6:40, Adam had a nice shooter buck walk through on the trail 60 yards down the hill going from east to west. He headed over to the VAT food plot. Had he been at the VAT, he may have had a shot opportunity. The wind would have been bad for the VAT. Totals: Bob - 2 deer, 2 bucks. Adam - 1 deer, 1 shooter buck. 

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