Thursday, November 4, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 pm

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 pm Sunset 5:52 pm Hunting closes at 6:22 pm Temperature 42 degrees. Wind: W-SW 2-5 mph. I hunted this morning and then headed down to Copper Creek. I decided to head to the QDM ladder stand. Kurt went to Bladder Balloon and Dan went to the ladder stand on Blue Bird field. We were all in and ready to go by 3:10 pm. At 4:35 pm, I looked to the north and I saw a doe with a buck chasing her. I saw him try and mount her, but she wanted nothing to do with it. He was a solid 125” 8 pointer. They got as close as 8 yards away but they took back off to the north. Five minutes later they came back. This time to within 18 yards of the stand to the west of me. He tried to mount her again. I got some good video. Another doe came through behind me and there was another smaller 8 pointer following the bigger buck. The one doe continue to the south behind me and the other doe and 2 bucks went off to the north. He was a great buck, but I am looking for something a bit bigger. At 6:10 pm, I saw a tail up the hill to the south of me. At dark when I was getting down, I spooked a deer to the south and another on the road to the SE of me. Totals: Bob 5 deer, 2 bucks and 3 does.

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