Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020 am. Sunrise: 6:42 am. Hunting opens: 6:12 am. Sunset: 4:49 pm. Hunting closes at 5:19 pm. Temperature 42 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: W 3-5 mph. It is supposed to get up to a high of 60 degrees today, so it is going to be a pretty warm afternoon. Kyle went up to 3rd point ladder and I went to the new Rock Out ladder stand. It took a little time this morning to locate it, but I was all set up by 6:00 am. I had Fuzzy with me and I put him on the road to the west of me on the road. At 6:25 am, I had a nice small 8 pointer come down the upper road from south to north. He got about 60 yards from me and saw Fuzzy. I grunted to him and he didn’t like that do he went back u the hill to the west and north. Finally, at 2:35 pm, I looked back behind me to the east and there was a nice mature 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 year old 10 pointer in the valley. I grunted at him and he started to come, but he then turned and slowly walked up the valley on the low road to the south. Frustrating. That was it. Totals: Bob -2 deer. 2 bucks. 1 was a shooter.

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