Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009 am "Opening Morning"

Saturday, September 19, 2009 p.m., 61 degrees, mostly sunny, wind 0-5 mph, sunrise 6:52 a.m. (Hunting opens 6:22 a.m). Well it is opening morning. I decided to go to the point and I got Heidi set up in the Apple Tree. At 6:20, I had a small doe walk through 20 yards to the east of me heading north. By 6:30 Heidi had seen 8 deer. Her quote was "Oh my God, this is going to be easier then I thought." Unfortunately, all of them were too far away or it was still too dark. One was a decent buck. For some reason, at 6:30 the deer all took off across the food plot. They must have smelled us. At 6:35, I had a small buck 20 yards to the east head to the south. Probably a small 4-6 point. At 6:40, a nice buck trotted down the hill from the west going east about 15 yards away. Tough to get any video as it was still pretty dark in the woods. He ended up by Heidi to the west of her but she got tangled up in her safety harness. Oh well. You don't want your season to be over on the first day do you? Easy huh? By 7:00, the turkeys started to fly down behind me to the south. At 7:05, two does and two fawn came from the SW but stayed up the hill 25 yards away. At 7:20, the does came back down the hill from the west and went behind me to the south. At 7:35 I saw another doe in the same area to the SW. Totals: Bob 13 deer, 2 bucks; Heidi 15 deer, 2 bucks.

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