Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008 pm

Thursday, September 18, 2008 p.m., 81 degrees, wind S 10-20 mph, Sunset 7:14 p.m. (Hunting close 7:44 pm). Nate got in early (4:50) and decided to give it a try from Arlie's Nob while I went to the Ridgeback stand and was in by 5:05. Taylor got in late (5:50) and decided to give the food plot a try. At 5:30 a nubbin buck came from the north and ended up walking under my stand. Nate and I have decided to call him "Nutty" based on his intelligence and preferred diet. Stood around for 10 minutes then went to the SE. When Taylor walked in, he kicked him back up to me and the he decided to bed in my shooting lane at e 20 yards for 20 minutes. At about 6:10, the nubbin stood up and ran to the NW to get a drink with his brother 20 yards from me. Pretty funny. Right after dark, as I was about to get down and one came from the north about 15 yards west of me, but it was too tough to tell what it was. Taylor walked in, he kicked two does off of the food plot. Right near dark (7:30) a doe came back into the food plot and feed about 10-15 yards away. Nate had 2 does at 6:10 come by and feed behind him, then had the little spike to the due east slide by and eat some acorns behind him to the North. Then at dusk he climbed down and snuck around to the beans and saw 8 deer feeding in the clover/alfalfa. Totals: Bob - 4 deer, 1 doe, 2 nubbins, and one ?, Taylor - 1 doe in stand, and 3 on the way in. Nate - 3 deer in stand, 8 in the field.

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