Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kansas Whitetails

Well I got a chance to make that storied trip to Kansas for a 3 day hunt this weekend. Got in late Thursday evening and was in the stand first thing Friday morning. I hunted the river stand and had 2 does come by at 10 yards and a big buck at 75. That evening I sat in a pop-up blind on the river hoping to catch them going to the beans at dark but scored a goose egg.

Saturday morning, snuck into a new stand. This stand is on a ridge with a bean field behind me and tall CRP grass in front where they head to bed. I was in early and saw three deer in the beans, the big bodied deer was heading towards me and fast. I knew he was a buck by his size, but it was still early and I knew he was a shooter when he was about 10 yards away, I drew but he closed the distance too fast and decided to rub his rack in my tree. I couldn't believe it, I was at full draw and knew I had that shot, unfortunately I didn't. I believe I grazed him and he bolted, we tracked him 2 hours later and he was bedded. He jumped ran without hesitation and no significant affects from the shot and was gone. My brother and I searched for a long time for a blood trail and found nothing. I hope he lives to see another day and I am pretty convinced he will.

So I took to the same stand that evening reluctantly but had an encounter with another nice 8 pointer, probably score 130 and about 10 does. Good evening, but no shooter.

Sunday morning, one small buck a bunch of does from the same stand. My brother and I climbed down around 8:45 and were heading back to the truck when I spotted a few bucks, it was early season muzzleloader and he was ready. One small buck ran by at 30 and then the bigger buck took the same course and he made a great shot, double lunged him and dropped in his tracks. I will attach a picture of the nice Kansas 11 pointer, had to weigh 300 lbs live weight, huge body, we estimated he was at least 5 years old by his teeth and body size. So all in all a great trip, wish we had two bucks instead of one.

1 comment:

ruedisili said...

Impressive Buck. Sounds like an awesome shot. Nice addition to the blog. Congrats Brad!