Saturday, October 28, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017 All Day

Friday, October 27, 2017 am. Sunrise 7:27 am.  Hunting opens 6:57 am. Sunset: 5:57 am. Hunting closes: 6:27 pm. Temperature 39 degrees. Partly cloudy. Wind: W SW 7-10 mph. Eric Haag extended the offer and I readily accepted to hunt his place in Waushara county. I drove in last night and was up before my alarm this morning. Eric took me to the squirrels nest and he went up to the north of me. At 7:20 am, I heard something behind me to the west. I turned and there was a nice thick 2 1/2-3 1/2 year old 8 pointer walking towards me. I was unable to get turned around and get some video. He slowly walked off to the north. That was it all morning. At 12:45 pm, I decided to switch to a 2 person ladder stand closer to the cabin. As soon as I touched the ground , a deer took off to the north that was 80-100 yards away on the other side of the stream. I am pretty sure it was just moving on it’s own and that I did. It spook it. I was all set up in the ladder stand by 1:00 pm. The Amish builders were pounding away on Haag’s new house until 4:00 pm. I was hoping once they left, things would pick up. That was it. Totals: Bob - 1 deer, 1 buck. 

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