Friday, November 2, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018. All day sit

Thursday November 1, 2018 pm Sunrise 7:37 am. Hunting opens 7:07 am. Sunset 5:55 pm. Hunting closes 6:25 pm. Temperature 36-54 degrees. Mostly sunny Wind: N-NW 3-5 mph. I went trick or treating in town with the family and the drive down to Copper Creek last night. Super excited for my annual hunt. I decided to head to the QDM stand. There was significant fresh scrape activity up on the ridge above the stand. I did bump a few deer on my way into the stand. I also saw a good shooter buck in the valley on my way in. I was all set and ready to go by 6:50 am. At 8:15 am, I heard something to the north of me. I looked and there was a beautiful 10-11 point buck coming across the hill coming from north to south. He got to within 25 yards of me, but he stopped behind some branches. I needed him to take 2 more steps and I would have taken the shot. He sensed something was up and turned and slowly trotted off to the NW. At 8:35 am, I heard something walking to the NW of me. I had a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer come across the hill from north to south about 40 yards down the hill from me. He walked across and headed off up the hill to the south. At 12:00 pm, I had a small 1.5 year old 6 pointer come in from the NE behind the stand. He got to within 10 yards of me. He freshened a small scrape behind me. He ended up sniffing around and headed back up to the SE. Definitely not a shooter, but entertaining. At 4:00 pm, I heard something walking in the valley. I spotted him about 100 yards away to the west of me. It was a small 1 1/2 year old 6 pointer. He came through about where the big 3.5 year old shooter was this morning. He worked his way up to the NE. He stopped s made a scrape where the other little 6 pointer had come through. He then headed up to the east and down the main road. At 4:40 pm, I heard something crashing to the north of me. Then I saw them. It was a big doe with 2 mature bucks chasing her. The doe and the first buck came through so fast, I didn’t have time to determine how big he was and if he was a shooter.  I will have to look at the video. He was a big 10 pointer. Probably the same buck I saw in the am. The second buck was a mature 2.5 year old 8 pointer. I got some great video as he stopped in my shooting lane and sniffed my buck bomb an doe in estrus moose. I wish the first buck had given me a little more time to assess.   He stayed around for 10-15 minutes before he headed off to the south. I did have a deer come in after dark to the north of me, but it was too dark to see what it was. Totals: 7 deer, 6 bucks. 

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