Saturday, October 27, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018 pm

Thursday, October 25, 2018 pm Sunset 6:11 pm. Hunting closes 6:41 pm. Temperature 52 degrees. Mostly cloudy Wind: S-SW 5-10 mph. After having such a great hunt on Tuesday, I just had to get out again. I decided to head back yo Spaghetti Junction. On my way down the hill from the house, there was a small doe fawn running around at the base of the hill. Nothing was chasing her though. Before I climbed in the stand, I sprayed some Buck Bomb doe pee to the east and the west of my stand in my shooting lanes. I figured if something comes down the trail and stops to smell it, it will give me the perfect shot opportunity. I was all settled in and ready to go by 3:45 pm. At 5:10 pm, I heard some chasing and some grunting to the SE of me. Shortly thereafter, I had a mature doe with 2 fawns (one was a nubbin Buck) and a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer come off the hill and into the valley. They all hung around for almost 40 minutes. I had the nubbin under my stand and the mature doe in the shooting lane to the east of me, but I was holding out to see how big the buck was. He stayed back in the cover, and by the time he came down and discovered he wasn’t a shooter they all wandered off to the west and the buck went towards the NW. At 5:55 pm, I could hear two bucks fighting about 60 yards to the north of me. I could not see them through the brush. At 6:15 pm, I had a mutant spike come off the hill to the east of me.  He came down to the base of the hill and the circled around to the north of me. At 6:20 pm, I could see 3 bucks over in Arlie’s food plot. I am pretty sure two of them were the bucks that were fighting to the north of me. One of them appeared to be a shooter. At 6:30 pm, I had another 6-7 pointer circle in from the north walked about 8 yards from the base of my tree and then walked through my shooting lane to the east of me about 12 yards away. He then slowly worked his way off to the SE. Totals: Bob - 7 deer. 5 bucks. 

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