Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018 am.

Monday, October 29, 2018 pm Sunrise 7:44 am. Hunting opens 7:14 am. Temperature 34 degrees. Mostly cloudy Wind: N-NW 15-20 mph. This morning I decided to head back down to Spaghetti Junction. I was ready to go by 6:50 am. It didn’t take long. At 7:20 am, I had a doe and an 2 1/2 year old 8 point buck come down the road I walked in on about 50 yards to the south east of me. The buck checked the scape and sniffed around the doe pee I had put down. The doe didn’t seem interested and she walked/trotted up the hill to the NE. The 8 pointer followed her. Two minutes later, behind them and a little bit further the the east was a nice mature 3 1/2 year old shooter 10 pointer. He too followed the doe up to the NE and gave me no shot opportunity. At 7:35 am, I heard some thrashing up towards the Apple tree stand. I couldn’t see what it was. At 7:40 am, I heard some thrashing to the NW and could see a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer making a scrape up by Arlie’s food plot stand on the main trail. He ended up walking right past the stand and into the food plot. I tried grunting at him to pull him in, but he just walked/ trotted off to the north. At 8:35 am, I looked over to the NE and there was a big doe slowing walking to the south along the base of the hill back in the brush. At 9:25 am, I had 4 does (1 was a nubbin buck) and a small spike buck come in from the SE. One of the does was running all around my stand. The spike chased her around a bit. He came through both my shooting lanes at less than 10 yards. The nubbin actually stood at the base of my ladder stand. They all hung around for a while until they finally wandered off to the E/NE. At 10:00 am, a small doe came running through from the north. She ran past my stand at 10 yards to the east of me. She circled back up to the NE and then ran back to the N/NW. I was planning on sitting until 10:15 am, and  then head inside for work. As I was packing up, I had a small 5 pointer come through to the NE of me. He went up the hill to the SE and he ran into another small buck. They were 40 yards up this hill and they started fighting. It only lasted about 20-30 seconds and it was over. They were going at it really hard. A bunch of pushing and shoving and cracking of skulls (literally). Five minutes later the loser of the fight came down the hill to the north of me and walked the trail 10 yards to the east of me heading south. The crazy think was he was now missing his antler on his right side. He slowly walked off to the SE. At 10:20, I had two small spikes walk the trail to the east of me 10 yards away. They ended up walking over towards the stump food plot where there was a doe out there feeding. Both bucks chased her around for a while until she grew tired and headed off to the south. The bucks slowly headed that way too. I was finally able to get out around 10:30 am. Before, I headed in, I decided to head up and see if I could find the antler. Sure enough, it took me about 2 minutes and I found the small fork. He broke off the antler and even took a small part of his skull. What an incredible hunt this morning. I only wish I could have stayed all day. Totals: Bob - 15 deer. 8 does and 7 bucks. 

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