Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Friday, October 12, 2018 pm

Friday, October 12, 2018 pm Sunset 6:31 pm. Hunting closes 7:01 pm. Temperature 41 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: N - NE 5 mph. It has been almost 3 weeks since I last hunted. Heidi had knee surgery 2 weeks ago and things with work and Charley have been crazy. I decided to sneak out early from work to hunt. I thought I would give Arlie’s food plot a try. I was heading in around 4:30 pm. I stopped at the AT and picked up a chip from the camera there and came over the little hill. On my way down, I saw a small buck about 75 yards to the east of me. He spooked and took 2 other bucks with him. One of the bucks was a big shooter. Probably the 10 or 11 pointer. They kind of walked off to the SE. Damn. I was too late getting into the stand. At 5:00 pm, I saw a big doe a. Smaller doe about 60 yards to the east of me. They walked south right past the SJ stand. At 5:15 pm, I looked to the NE and there was a small 6 pointer standing in the creek drinking. He was about 40 yards away but through the brush. He ended up coming into the food plot. He fed into 10 yards away. He stopped and sniffed for about 5 minutes the camera that I had just changed the chip on. He had no idea that I was there. He ended up heading off to the SE and also walked by the SJ stand. At 6:00 pm, I heard a mew to the NE of me. I saw a nice doe come down fro the NE and ended up walking down the Same trail past SJ to the SE of me. At 6:05 pm, I had a nice 1 1/2 year old 8 pointer come down the hill from the west of me. He got to within 10 yards of me and stopped. He slowly turned and headed up the hill towards the AT stand. He was too close and I couldn’t get any video. At 6:25 pm, I saw a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer making a scape about 75 yards to the NE of me. It was through the brush, so I didn’t get any video. I thought he would come into the food plot, but he headed off to the north. At 6:55 pm, I had another doe come through from north to south about 59 yards to the east of me. That was it. Solid night. Totals: 6 deer. 3 bucks and 3 does. 

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