Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013 am and pm

Thursday, November 14, 2013 am. Sunrise: 6:43 am. Hunting opens: 6:13 am. Temperature 30 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: S-SE 10-15 mph. It is good to be back out in Wisconsin. I drove down late last night to Copper and arrived around 11:15 pm. I got up this morning at 4:45 am, and went to Dan's gun stand out on the first point I was ready to go by 5:55 am. At 6:15 am, I had a small doe come in from the east. It was still pretty dark, but it was nice to have some action to start my day. She ended up heading up the hill to the SE. At 7:30 am, the chainsaws n heavy equipment started. They are cutting timber on the property to the east. I stayed until 9:00 am, and then moved to the goat prarie stand. I sat there until 11:20 am, but didn't see anything. I grabbed the camera chips, and headed in for lunch. I had a quick lunch of venison, and headed back out. I went to Steve's new portable stand over the watering hole. I was all set and ready to go by 12:30 pm. It didn't take long, I heard something to my SE and it was a small 3-4 point buck traveling along the property line to the north. He was about 75 yards across from me. He ended up getting downwind and he spooked back up towards the SE. At 3:55 pm, I had a beautiful 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer come down off the hill from the SW. He walked right down the road towards me. Got some great video of him. He even stopped at my scent wick. I had him round for 15 minutes as close as 17 yards. He has great potential, so I had to let him walk. Regardless, it was fun to see. At 4:45 pm, a doe and fawn came down the road to the east of me going from north to south. I would have had a shot, but there was no shooting lane that had been cut. At 5:00 pm, another doe did the same thing, but she was closet and in the wash out. It was getting pretty dark, and I want to save my one tag. Overall, a solid day. Totals: Bob - 6 deer, 4 does and fawns and 2 bucks.

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