Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013 am

Saturday, November 2, 2013 am. Sunrise: 7:42 am. Hunting opens: 7:12 am. Temperature: 37 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: W-NW 5-10 mph. I decided to try my luck back again at Everest. I was all set up by 6:45 am, with Harry the decoy to the north of me. I hope he will get a big boy's attention. At 8:35 am, I looked up the hill to the north of me and saw a doe with two fawns on the road about 80 yards above me. I grunted a few times, but they continue along to the east. At 8:40 am, I heard a few soft grunts to the NW. I then saw a small 8 pointed on the hill about 60 yards to the north of me. He is just a 1 1/2 year old buck. I grunted and he started to come down the hill towards me. He saw the decoy and didn't like what he saw. I started to blow a warning call. I did get some video of him, but he ended up walking off towards the north. I sat until 11:15 am, then got down. Totals: Bob 4 deer. 3 does and fawns and 1 buck.

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