Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013 pm

Sunday, September 29, 2013. Sunset: 6:55 pm. Hunting closes: 7:25 pm. Temperature: 71 degrees. Mostly sunny. Wind: S 15-26 mph. Wow. It feels great to get back out and hunt. It has been way too long. I think it has been close to 15 years since I took off 7 days to hunt in the early season. Various commitments, unstable weather, and a new baby have all impacted my inability to get out. When Heidi agreed/offered to watch Charley, I jumped at the chance to get out. The conditions were not ideal, but my "lack of hunting" streak needed to end. On top of watching Charley, Heidi actually agreed to let me hunt the apple tree stand. I just couldn't wait to get out there. We were at a family reunion in Wisconsin this weekend and I needed to pick up the dog from the kennel, but I was able to get into the stand by 5:00 pm. At 5:45 pm, I looked to my left (south) and there was a nubbin walking down the trail towards me. He walked under my stand and spent 15 minutes eating walnuts. I took this picture though the leaves. He never knew I was there. Pretty fun. He ended up walking up the hill to the SW. That was it. Totals: Bob - 1 deer, 1 nubbin buck. 

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