Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020 pm

Sunday, September 27, 2020 pm Sunset 6:59 pm Hunting closes 7:29pm Temperature 59 degrees. Mostly cloudy. Wind: NW/W 10-15 mph. Tonight, I decided to head back to the ladder stand. The a Packers play on Sunday Night Football and I wanted to be able to get back to the house as quickly as possible. That, and it was a terrible wind for the Apple Tree. I was ready to go by 5:00 pm. At 6:35 pm, I had a big doe and fawn come through going from east to west about 25 yards to the north of me. It happened so fast, that I never wasn’t even able to grab my bow. They ended up circling behind me to the west and then walked off to the south. At 6:50 pm, I heard something walking to the NE. A nice 2 1/2 year old 7 pointer stepped out. He cdd as me through going from North to South 22 yards to the east of me. Too small. He needs at least one more year. Still fun to see. He ended up heading off to the east. Totals Bob - 3 deer. 1 buck and 2 does.

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