Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020 pm

Sunday, October 25, 2020 pm Sunset 6:10 pm Hunting closes 6:40 pm Temperature 26 degrees. Mostly cloudy. Snowing. Wind: N- NE 5-8 mph. Tonight, I decided to head to the dump stand. I brought my heater body suit so I could stay warm and dry. I was ready to go by 3:45. I don’t think I bumped any deer on my way in. At 6:00 pm, I looked over my shoulder to the west and there were 2 small fawns in the VAT food plot. Then more kept piling in. There were a total of 6 at one time. They all kind of walked off. Two to the north and 4 to the south. If I had sat in the VAT, I would have have some shooting. I was hoping they would circle around to the south of me, but they never came through. Totals. Bob - 6 deer. 6 does and fawns.

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