Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007 AM

November 10, 2007 All Day, 23 degrees at sunrise, Wind from N/ NW at 5-10 MPH. Sunrise 7:03 am (Hunting opener 6:33 am) Due to the Badger football game (Badgers upset Michigan), I was only able to hunt until 8:00 am. Therefore, I decided to sneak into the twin towers for a brief AM hunt. Lon went to the ladder stand just north of the two barns on the north side of the road. I got into the stand at about 5:45 am. Just after I got in and was settled, I did some light calling with my grunt tube. Immediately, I received a response from the NW of me. Just at first light a small buck (six pointer) came around the corner and came in to the decoy. He stopped to smell it and put on quite a show. Unfortunately, it was still pretty dark so I was only able to capture some video that is attached but it is pretty dark. At 6:50 two toms flew down from the north across the road and landed about 100 yards to the east of me. They ended up feeding to the north and back across the road and joined up with 6 other toms and 1 hen (Total of 9). That was it. Lon didn’t see a deer. Totals for today: 1 deer, 1 buck.

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