Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 pm

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 pm. Sunset 4:34 pm. Hunting closes 5:04 pm. Temperature: 29 degrees. Wind: S-SW 5-10 mph. Partly cloudy. Tonight I decided to give the Stump blind a try. I was all set by 3:00 pm. At 3:40 pm, a really nice 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer came in from the north to the east of me. He offered numerous 18-20 yard broad side shots, but I decided to pass. I am happy to see that he had made it through the gun season and he should be a dandy shooter next yet. I was able to get some great video of him. He stay around for over 20 minutes feeding in the beans before he left to the SE. At 4:40 pm. Several deer started to filter into both food plots. They started over in the border patrol food plot an eventually worked they way over to the Stump foo plot. By the time they made it over to me, it was past legal shooting light so I had to pass on them. There was at least 10 does and 3 small bucks (1 mutant 7 Pointer that I have on camera). Totals: Bob- 14 deer. 10 does and fawns and 4 bucks.

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