Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008 p.m.

Sunday, November 2, 2008 p.m., 63 degrees, partly cloudy, wind S-SW 8-10 mph, sunset 5:00 p.m. (Hunting closes 5:30 p.m). After a weekend void of hunting, (we went to the Wisconsin vs. UND hockey game in Grand Forks) I new that I needed to get into the woods tonight. I decided to try my luck at the apple tree, and was settled in with Stubby below me at 3:00 p.m. Steve made it out tonight and decided to try his luck in the ladder stand. Taylor also made it out and decided to go to Right Field. He kicked two does up near the dump on his way in. At 3:55 p.m., I was bored so I took out the binoculars to scan the hillside to the east/southeast. It didn't take long with all of the leaves down to spot a doe and fawn to the SE about 200 yards away. At 5:10 p.m., I had the mutant spike walked behind me 60 yards to the west heading south. At 4:00 p.m., Taylor had a big come out into the cornfield to eat. At 6:25 p.m., Taylor saw a small six pointer that fed down the hill to the north. At 4:15 p.m., Steve saw 4 does feeding down the hill to the east of him. He also saw a small 6 pointer heading towards me. At 4:45 p.m., Steve had a small 4 pointer under his stand. At 5:05 p.m., Steve saw two does feeding on my beans to the south of him. Totals: Bob - 3 deer, 2 does and 1 buck, Taylor - 1 deer, 1 doe, Steve - 8 deer, 6 does, 2 bucks.

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