Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008 AM

Thursday, September 18, 2008, 58 degrees, Wind 10-15 S-SW. Sunrise 6:55 (opener 6:25). Nate, his plane, and all his gear (thank God) made it here safely from Oklahoma last night. After a healthy breakfast of bacon and eggs (thanks to Theron), we left for our stands at 5:45. Nate decided to go to the Apple Tree (good scouting and a food source) and after a long walk uphill I settled into Center Field. At 6:25, 2 deer, 1 was a doe and the other one I am not sure about came from the corn (south) and passed about 25 yards to the west of me going north. At 6:45, another doe walked right under right field and then went north west towards the food plot. That was it for me. Nate on the other hand had an eventful morning. At 7:00, Nate had a spike come down from west and stood around and ate apples and walnuts for 15 minutes then left to the north. At 7:30, two button bucks came from the south and worked there way up the hill and stood around around and ate apples for 30 minutes. Nate actually was bouncing walnuts off of their backs and they didn't spook at all. In fact they just turned and ate them after it bounced off of them. Pretty funny. Totals: Bob - 2 does and 1 - ?, Nate: 2 Nubbin Bucks and 1 Buck.

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