Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009 a.m.

Saturday, November 7, 2009 a.m., 54 degrees, mostly sunny, wind W 10-15 mph, sunrise 6:46 a.m. (Hunting opens 6:16 a.m). Lon decided he better sleep in, with the idea that his buck is already down. Heidi is under the weather and sounded awful this morning, so she elected to sleep in as well. The wind was out of the west, so with no Ranger I decided it would be perfect for another sit at Black Diamond. I wanted to get in especially early because it was so clear and a 3/4 moon. I was settled in the stand by 5:40 a.m. At 6:40 a.m., I had a nubbin buck come through from the north. He ended up behind (down wind) of me. Fortunately, the hill is pretty steep and my scent must have blown over his head. He was eating everything that he could find that was green. At one point in time he was almost directly under my stand. It was definitely a different nubbin then yesterday afternoon, as he didn't have the skin graft missing from his left front leg. He stuck around for about 10 minutes and then slowly fed off to the south. He was not the big boy I was hoping to see, but he was entertaining none the less. That was it. Totals: Bob - 1 deer, 1 nubbin buck

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