Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007 AM

November 10, 2007 All Day, 23 degrees at sunrise, Wind from N/ NW at 5-10 MPH. Sunrise 7:03 am (Hunting opener 6:33 am) Due to the Badger football game (Badgers upset Michigan), I was only able to hunt until 8:00 am. Therefore, I decided to sneak into the twin towers for a brief AM hunt. Lon went to the ladder stand just north of the two barns on the north side of the road. I got into the stand at about 5:45 am. Just after I got in and was settled, I did some light calling with my grunt tube. Immediately, I received a response from the NW of me. Just at first light a small buck (six pointer) came around the corner and came in to the decoy. He stopped to smell it and put on quite a show. Unfortunately, it was still pretty dark so I was only able to capture some video that is attached but it is pretty dark. At 6:50 two toms flew down from the north across the road and landed about 100 yards to the east of me. They ended up feeding to the north and back across the road and joined up with 6 other toms and 1 hen (Total of 9). That was it. Lon didn’t see a deer. Totals for today: 1 deer, 1 buck.

Friday, November 9, 2007

November 9, 2007 All Day, 28 degrees at sunrise, High of 45 degrees, Wind from N/ NW most of the day at about 5-10 MPH. Sunrise 7:02 am (Hunting opener 6:32 am) Sunset 4:51 pm (Hunting close 5:21 pm) I went to the Rock outcrop bow stand and Lon went to his gun stand. I decided that I was going to sit all day, which was awesome, but I should have changed my location for the afternoon. Lon went to his gun stand for the morning hunting and stayed until 9:45 and didn’t see a deer. At first light at about 6:30 I heard something to the NE and I saw a nice buck coming through about 50 yards away. I was reaching for my grunt because I thought he was veering off and the buck ended up spooking off to the SE. I am not sure how big his rack was, but he appeared to be a mature deer. At 8:50 am, a basket racked 8 pointer appeared to the NW of me. He ended up spending the better part of 15 minutes trying to figure out way a plastic decoy doesn’t move and doesn’t smell like a deer. (See attached video) All I can say is that he was very entertaining. While he was looking at the decoy, two does (may have been 3) were down in the valley to the NE. I think these same deer circled up from the NW and ended up near the stand about 15 minutes later. They saw the decoy and split up quickly to the NE and NW. At 9:40 two does came off the switch back to the east of me and ended up coming down to the main trail and went south. At 10:00, two nubbin bucks came from the south on the trail and worked their way north until they were under my stand. I have never seen this before, but one of the nubbin’s actually mounted the other nubbin. (take a look at the video). I guess they are all about free love and experimenting. At 11:20, a different nubbin cam through from the north. It circled my stand for about 10 minutes and kept mewing and bleating. I was really cool. At 1:45 pm, I had another nubbin and a doe worked from the south to the north on the main trail right under my stand. That was the last deer that I saw. I can say that the afternoon was pretty disappointing. Lon ended up going back to his gun stand and got in at 2:30 p.m. He did see a decent buck that had 4 on the right and 1 on the left. He did say that it had a bow wound on his right side that was high up above the lungs. If it had given him a shot, he would have taken it, but it was out of range. Totals: 14 deer, 12 Does/Nubbins (4 nubbins) and 2 bucks. Lon 1 deer, 1 buck.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007 PM; 43 degrees, Wind from N/NE 5-10. It was mostly sunny today. Sunset was at 4:53 pm (hunting close 5:23 pm) I got out of my meeting in the Twin Cities and high tailed it over to Wisconsin. Lon had already left and gone to his gun stand. He didn’t end up seeing anything tonight. Because I got here so late, I showered quickly and went to the twin towers. By the time I had gotten dressed and walked across the field it was about 3:55 pm. I hadn’t even gotten settled in and I heard something to the west of me. I looked over my shoulder and an 8 pointer had snuck I behind me. He never saw the decoy, but sensed something wasn’t right and he ran back to the SW. He stood back there and looked in my direction, but my grunts didn’t solicit a response. He ended up walking off to the SW. At about 5:00 pm, two does entered the field about 150 yards to the NE of me. They casually fed until dark. Totals for tonight; 3 deer, 1 buck

Monday, November 5, 2007

November 4, 2007

November 4, 2007, AM Temp 43 degrees, Wind N/NE 10-15 mph, mostly sunny, Sunrise 6:46 am (hunting open 6:16 am). Finally, Daylight savings ended. Now we can get up earlier and hunt a little later. I decided to go to the Rock outcrop bow stand. I got in about 5:50 and at about 6:20 two does came running down the trail behind me (about 10 feet away) to the north. They ran right by the buck decoy that was about 15 yards to the NW (upwind) side of me. I was hoping there would be something chasing them, but no such luck. At 6:30 am, a doe and two fawns appeared on the trail about 50 yards to the south. Instead of walking up the trail towards me, they ended up going west up the hill and fed back to the south on the logging road. At 6:50, I looked over my shoulder, and this small eight pointer was walking towards me down the trail. He got directly behind me at about 5 yards, when he spotted the decoy. He immediately circled to the west and tried to get downwind of this intruder. He walked directly under my stand and was absolutely mesmerized by the decoy. Got some of the video attached. I watched him for 5 minutes as he tried to figure out why this deer was not moving except for the tail (I have a piece of plastic grocery bag tied on as a tail). After a few enjoyable minutes he decided to take off to the NW. As he turned to leave, I gave him a soft grunt, and he came right back into the shooting lane. Too funny. I stayed until 9:15, but that was it. Totals: 6 deer, 5 does/fawns, 1 Buck.

November 3, 2007 AM-PM

November 3, 2007, Rest of the day; High 58 degrees, low 40 degrees, Wind shifted throughout the day but mostly from the N/NE. It was mostly sunny today. Sunset was at 6:00 pm (hunting close 6:30 pm) Lon had to leave to go back to Romance at 10:00, so after a quick breakfast I went out for the rest of the day. I went to my bow stand on the rock outcrop. At 11:20 am, a big doe came from the east and was south of me about 50 yards down the main trail. I grunted at her and she took off to the south. What I didn’t realize was there was a small buck (6 pointer) that was on her tail. He took off and followed her to the south. At 11:30, I looked to my right and there was another doe about 30 yards to the north. She didn’t like the stationary decoy and she ended up circling me and left on the trail to the south. At 12:45 pm, a decent 9 pointer appeared directly underneath my stand about 5 yards to the SE of me. He snuck in without me noticing him until he was under my stand. I did manage to get my bow cam up and capture the video attached. He took off on the trail to the south as well. I stayed in this stand until 3:15 PM, and then decided to get down, move and stretch my legs. I went south to the bow stand that I harvested my buck from last year with my bow. I call this stand “sand trap.” I got into the stand about 3:30 pm. I didn’t see anything tonight until dark. At 6:15 pm, there was a small buck that was sneaking through the field to the south of me. He ended up walking on the trail about 15 yards away from me, but there was not enough light to shoot any video. Totals for tonight: 4 deer: 2 does, and 2 bucks.

November 3, 3007 AM

November 3, 2007, AM Temp 32 degrees, Wind N/NE 3-5 mph, mostly sunny, Sunrise 7:46 am (hunting open 7:16 am). They started to cut the corn so I decided to go to the Twin Towers and Lon went up to the Rock Outcrop ladder stand. We got to the stands about 6:40 and stayed until 9:30 am. At 8:10 am, Lon saw one small buck (6 pointer) come over the hill from the east about 50 yards away. Not a shooter, but to far to shoot anyways. I didn’t see a deer which was surprising as he started to cut the corn at 8:30 am and had gotten half way across the field, but nothing came out. Totals; Bob 0 deer, Lon 1 deer, 1 buck

November 2, 2007 PM

November 2, 2007, PM Temp 60 degrees, Wind S/SW10-12mph, mostly sunny, Sunset 6:01 pm (hunting close 6:31 pm). I went to Acorn Alley and Lon went to his tower stand south of Copper. At 5:25, I had a small 7 point buck sneak across to the north of me about 50 yards away. He did see my decoy, but he got down wind of me and spooked up the hill to the north. I did get some video (see attached). At 6:05 pm, I had a small 6-8 point buck come off the hill to the SE of me about 75 yards away. He stopped on the trail and stared at the decoy for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, the wind had stopped blowing and he didn’t like a stationary buck with no movement. He snorted and ran back to the east and brought 2 other deer (not sure what they were) with him. Lon didn’t see a deer. Totals for tonight: 4 deer, 2 deer (?) and 2 Bucks, Lon 0 deer.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 2, 2007 AM

November 2, 2007, AM Temp 32 degrees, Wind S/SW 5-10mph, mostly sunny, Sunrise 7:45 am (hunting open 7:15 am). I decided to go down to Copper creek. I went to Acorn Alley and Lon went to his tower south of the creek. We got into our stands about 6:45 am. I heard one deer run across going south about 50 yards away but it was to dark to see. At 7:45 am I had a tom turkey come off the hill to the south and run up to the north about 75 yards away. Lon saw 2 bucks a small 4 pointer and a little bit nicer (but still a year and half old) 6 pointer about 50 yards away. They came from the south west and walked around his stand and ended up going up to the north. Totals for this morning: Bob- 1 deer?, Lon – 2 Bucks.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10-28-07 WACKO!!

10-28-07 PM, Temp 52 degrees, Wind from S/SW, Mostly sunny, Sunset 6:08 pm, (Hunting close 6:38 pm) Well what can I say. It has been a rough week with work and school. I was actually in Denver and then Austin, TX for the weekend for school. Unfortunately, there was no hunting. It was great to get home and get out tonight. I decided to go to Arlie's Knob and arrived at the stand at 3:15 pm. I had my buck decoy for the first time this year, and it was a good move. (more later) I did get a few photos on the trail camera that I will post on another blog. I kick up a deer as I came over the hill (not sure what it was) and it ran to the north. Things were really quite for the first part of the evening and then things got good. Nate got out late and decided to go to the Jolly Roger and got settled in about 4:45 pm. I guess he kicked up a doe on the way in that was near the border patrol. At 5:00 pm, he saw a doe on the hill to the east on the neighbors property. At 5:10 he saw a good buck chasing as fawn near the border patrol stand, unfortunately for him, it never came into range. That was all Nate saw for the evening. At 5:45, I looked to my south and saw a nice 10 pointer working my way. He saw the decoy and was not happy that a small 6 pointer was in "his" territory. He worked his way towards me and stopped about 25 yards away and made a scrape as he angerly looked at the intruder. After a couple of tense minutes, he turned and walked up the hill towards the NW. I had a nice quartering away shot at about 20 yards and decided to take it. After the shot, he spun 180 degrees and ran straight down the hill. I saw him fall within sight after a short 50 yards sprint. I was able to get look at him through my binoculars and he expired fairly quickly. Absolutely awesome. It is a long video, so it may take a while to get this posted. Nevertheless, I do have some still a short video before the shot and some still photos of the magnificent animal. He is a 10 pointer, with a small 3/4 kicker on the base of his main beam (not quite enough to make him a 11 pointer) and he has a 17 1/2" spread. Good mass to the rack and a big bodied mature deer. I would guess him to dress at about 200 lbs and probably as 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 year old buck. I will be off to Wisconsin on Friday and hope to have as good of luck down there. Hopefully some more posts, so say tuned. Totals: Bob1 deer, 1 buck; Nate 3 deer 2 does, and 1 buck. Buckslayer OUT.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Well, I was able to get out again last night and it looked like it was going to be good. Unfortunately, the deer wouldn't cooperate. I had a NW wind at 2-3 mph and overcast skies with the temp at 55 degrees. The squirrels were moving and a lonesome racoon, but not a deer, not even the lost nubbin fawn/buck. So with that said, great looking night, no deer. SKUNKED!

Forgot to add a picture of my son, the next generation of hunters!

Friday, October 26, 2007

October 25th--Love Struck Buck

Perfect evening to be out, south wind at 5-10 and clear and crisp. I settled into my stand and at 5:30 PM a doe came by from NE to the SW. She then circled and headed to the neighbors property. Then around 6:00 5 does showed up and fed towards the North. Then a few more showed up and began getting nervous. I then noticed a big 8 pointer. He began chasing the does and grunting at them. I just couldn't get him interested. I grunted at him, but he had no interest in leaving his girlfriends. So the totals for the evening 8 does, 1 buck: 9 deer.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Trail Cam Pics

Finally I am posting a few pics off the trail cam. I set the cam up unfortunately on a leaning tree and some of the pics didn't turn out as good as I anticipated. But needless to say, some good bucks checking scrapes and getting ready to rut. This Thursday marks the full moon and should kick off the pre-rut for sure. Shorter days and colder nights should have the necks full and the bucks looking for love! Lets all cross our fingers and be in the stands!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007 AM

Sunday, October 21, 2007 AM, Temp 46 degrees, wind E/SE 3 mph, overcast skies, Sunrise 7:36 am (Hunting opener 7:06). I get settle into Arlie's knob after walking up from the east by the apple tree stand at about 6:40 am. It was a beautiful morning, unfortunately the deer did not cooperate. I sat until 9:45 am and never saw a deer. Very strange. I did some light grunting and some rattling and was not able to solicit a response. Oh well. Totals: 0 deer, 0 Does and fawns, O bucks

Saturday, October 20, 2007 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2007 PM, Temp 67 degrees, Wind S/SW 15 mph, Overcast skies, Sunset 6:20 pm (Hunting close 6:50 pm) Steve's bow season has officially begun. Steve made it out for the first time today. He got here a little late, so after shooting some arrows, we headed for our stands. I went to Arlie's and Steve went to the ladder stand. We both got settled in about 4:45. At 5;25 pm the same little nubbin buck walked up from the east. He stopped in my shooting lane at about 10 yards, and had no idea I as there. He proceeded up the hill and eventually passed by Steve on the trail at 10 yards to the east of him. He then walked down the trail to the house and went into the corn. At 6:20 a doe and fawn came up from the east but never came through my shooting lane and stayed about 50 yards to the east. That was it. Totals: 3 deer, 3 does and fawns.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007 AM, Temp 42 degrees, Wind N 5 MPH, Mostly sunny, Sunrise 7:35 am (Hunting opens 7:05 am) A beautiful morning for Nate and I. I went to Arlie's Knob and Nate went to the Jolly Roger. We both got into our stands about 6:40 am. I went up past the apple tree and up the ridge to reach the stand. At 7:00, am huge owl landed on a branch about 10 feet from me. Very cool. At 7:20 two does fed down the hill to the south of me and worked their way towards the apple tree. At 7:25, a nice 9 pointer was in the same valley going toward the apple tree. I aggressively grunted to the buck and he finally turned and came my way. It took him a while and he finally worked his way up the hill towards me. I was able to get this video attached below. I thought he was only an 8 pointer but if you look closely, he has a small kicker on his right side. At 7:40, he finally jumped the fence and went into Arlie's. At 8:10 am, a doe and fawn worked to the north about 75 yards behind me. I think they were the same deer that had come through at 7:20 am. At 8:35, I looked to the north and there was a doe on Arlie's about 40 yards away. At 8:45, a smaller 8 pointer walked on Arlie's side of the fence line from the west going east. I tried grunting to him, and he kept going down the hill. Eventually he jumped the fence, and walked back up the trail towards me. At 8:55, he came right at me, and walked under my stand. This time I got some video of it. Crazy! You can see the deer through the bottom of my stand. I had to get in for a school conference call, so I got down at 9:10 am after the 8 pointer left. Totals: 7 deer, 2 bucks.
For Nate, At 7:40 5 does came off the hill to the west of him. At 7:50 a small 7 pointer came down the trail from the north and came within 5 yards of his stand. He ended up walking off to the south. He did get some nice pictures on his trail camera that he will upload later. Totals for Nate: 6 deer, 5 does and 1 buck.

Friday, October 19, 2007

A"Doe Parade"

Friday, October 19, 2007 PM, Temp 55 degrees, Wind N/NW 25-30 mph, Cloudy and cool, Sunset 6:22 pm (Hunting close 6:52 pm) Well it was great to finally get out. It has been raining almost constantly all week long. I got out tonight about 4:45 pm. As I was walking to the Ridgeback stand, I kicked up a doe and fawn. The doe was between the RB and ladder stand and the fawn ran down the trail between the ladder stand and Heather's stand. About 2 minutes after I got in the stand a nubbin buck was about 75 yards away down in the valley to the east of me. I have to post this video of this little nubbin. You can barely see the spots on him and you can actually see his "package" when he lifts his leg to scratch his nose. Pretty funny. After about 30 minutes he started working my way. He actually was directly under the stand and was sniffing the steps in the tree. He finally walked off to the NE. At about 6:00 pm, a doe and a fawn were under Heather's stand and moved off to the NE. About 5 minutes later 2 more does came from Heather's stand and fed towards the south about 30 yards to the west of me. At 6:20 four more does came from the NE coming towards me heading south, just then I spotted another doe to the east of me and she came up to the west to meet the other four ladies. They all stayed around till dark and eventually headed west up towards the fields. Totals: 10 deer, 10 does/fawns. (maybe some of them were repeats, but at least 7 different)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 PM

Wednesday, October 17, 2007, PM, Temp 62 degrees, wind from S/SE 20 mph, overcast and rainy, Sunset 6:28 pm (Hunting close 6:58 pm). Tonight found me back at Arlie's knob. Pretty slow evening overall. At 6:20 pm a doe and a fawn came from the SE up the ridge towards me. They stuck around for about 20 minutes before the went back in the same direction that they came from. At 6:35 pm, I looked over my right shoulder and saw a doe on Arlie's about 40 yards to my NE. It disappeared into the timber behind me. That was it. It has been raining almost constantly for the last 4 days. It has made if very difficult to get in any consistent hunting. Hopefully things will clear for the weekend. Totals: 3 deer, 3 does/fawns.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 pm "Ladies Night"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 pm, Temp 50 degrees, Wind from SW - 5 MPH, Overcast, light mist/rain. Sunset 6:28 pm (Hunting close 6:58 pm) I decided to go to Arlie's stand. As I crested the hill about 40 yards from the stand, a nice 8 pointer jumped up from underneath the stand. About 20 seconds later, Arlie's nephew was riding his ATV along the property line to feed the cows. I hope the ATV spooked the deer instead of me. Regardless, at 5:30 fours does came from the SE and slowly fed towards me. They hung around for 45 minutes and all of them offered a shot at one time or another. At 6:20, 3 does fed up the valley (going west) to the south of me about 75 yards away, at the same time a doe came from the NW (may have been a repeat) and fed back to the east about 20 yards to the north of me. That was it. Total: 9 deer, 8 does/fawns and 1 buck.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007 PM

Friday, October 12, 2007, Temp 50 degrees, Wind N/NE 5-10 mph. Sunset: 6:34 pm (Close 7:04 pm). I decided to go to the new acorn alley stand and dad went to the corn crib ladder stand. At 6:40 pm, I had 3 does, 1 large, 1 medium, and 1 small come down the road from the east and walked through my shoot lane. They worked off to the west. Lon had a doe and a fawn come from the hog back and walk down the road. 30 yards away and then walked off to the west. Totals for tonight: 5 deer, 5 does.

Friday, October 12, 2007 AM

Friday, October 12, 2007 am, Temp 45 degrees, Wind N 5 mph. Sunrise 6:47 am (Hunting hours 6:17 am). I went to acorn alley, and dad went to his enclosed tower stand. Got into our stands at 6:00 am. I hunted until 8:15 and didn't see anything. I got down and decided to move the stand to the North side of the road. I found a great tree and got the stand rehung. Lon and I went out and cleaned it out later in the afternoon. I met Lon at the car at 8:45 am. Lon had one small doe come down from the SW and passed near his stand. Totals for this am: 1 deer, 1 doe.

Sunday, October 14, 2007 PM

Sunday, October 14, 2007, PM Weather - 50 degrees win N/NE 15 mph, Light rain/drizzle. Sunset: 6:31 pm, (hunting close 7:01 pm) Even though it was raining, I decided to give Arlie's Knob a try. I got into my stand about 4:50 pm. I has been raining most of the day, so it was pretty easy to sneak in quietly. At 5:45 pm, a small 8 pointer and another nice 10 pointer cam in from SE. They walked up the ridge about 10 yards to the south of me. I will not post the video of the small eight, but you can see the 10 is a really nice buck. A big body, probably a 2 1/2 maybe a 3 1/2 year old. I decided to let him walk as he was small then then bigger 10 that I passed up on the second day of the season. That and because it was raining and I hate following a blood trail that has been washed out by rain. At 6:15 pm, coming from Heather's stand was the nice 8 pointer. Defiantly a 2 1/2 year old. He came in to 10 yards as well. Stayed around for 2-3 minutes and gave me several shot opportunities that I passed on. Nevertheless, more great video. See attached. Totals for tonight 3 deer, 3 Bucks


Saturday evening, perfect, light north wind at 5 mph, temp 57 degrees and the bucks were on the move. I settled into my stand, (Heather's stand), not sure we have hunted out of it this year. We have talked about the ridgeback stand, this stand is 75 yards north of it and with the North wind and the main trail to my north it set up perfect. I was in the stand at 5:00 PM and within minutes of my arrival a small button buck approached and passed to my north at 10 yards max. I have some video, still trying to get it on here as my camera doesn't want to cooperate. Around 5:45 a doe passed to the north and shortly after that another buck appeared due east about 80 yards away. Then around 6:00 PM a nice 8 pointer fed to the NE and gave me a small window of opportunity, but Bob and I discussed it and we decided to let him walk no matter how many times he presents us a shot, one more year and he will book for sure. This buck kept looking to the East and sure enough a nice heavy 8 pointer came in and made a rub on a tree then chased the smaller 8 across the trail to the north. The bigger 8 then approached the other deer and began to spar with him. I was ready to pull the bow on the bigger 8 but he never gave me the chance. Both bucks fed 30 yards away from me in the small saplings and I could never get a good clean shot, they both disappeared towards Arlie's Knob and that is where Bob was heading tonight. Before I got out of the stand a small 6 passed to my south about 45 yards away and headed to the corn. So as the title states, Bucks-a-plenty for sure. It was a spectacular action packed evening. I think the cool temps and shorter days are getting these guys moving, next weekend they should be coming to antlers pretty good.

Friday, October 12, 2007

October 11th--Evening at the 009

Well as you know yesterday was a perfect day. There was a light ENE wind at 5 mph at the most and the air had a little bite to it. If I was a deer I would be up and moving. I decided to check the trailcam pics from the Jolly Roger and the cam only had some does on it, so I moved it to a nearby tree that had three scrapes. Maybe I can capture the buck making the scrapes on the cam now. I will post those pics if they come to fruition. So I decided to hunt the Ridgeback stand as the wind would be perfect. At 6:30 3 fat does appeared to my North and proceeded to head straight at me. Two of the does fed around the stand for 10 minutes then headed to the corn. I glanced to my East and there was a small six 65 yards away. I gave him a light grunt and he began to head my direction, he circled to the North and then disappeared in the dark. Total for the evening: 3 does, 1 buck (six pointer)

October 11, 2007 PM

October 11, 2007, PM Temp 55 degrees, Wind 5 mph from North, overcast, Sunset 6:40 pm (hunting close 7:10 pm). Dad went to the ladder gun stand on the ridge down off the cliff and I went to the twin towers. It was a beautiful night for hunting. Unfortunately, nothing to report. Totals: 0 deer

October 11, 2007 am

October 11, 2007, AM Temp 45 degrees, Wind gusts 10-15 NW mph, overcast, Sunrise 6:50 am (hunting open 6:20 am). I went to my bow stand in the valley and Eric went to Acorn alley. We did kick up a couple of deer on the way to drop Eric off. At 7:20 am, I had a deer (a doe I think), come off the hill and went from north to south to the east of me. Eric was shut out. That was it. We are starting to see more scrapes. I think the pre-rut is just starting. Total: 1 deer.

October 10, 2007 PM

October 10, 2007, PM Temp 58 degrees, Wind gusts 20-25 SW mph, overcast, Sunset 6:40 pm (hunting close 7:10 pm). Eric went to old reliable and I went to acorn alley at Copper Creek. At 6:15 Eric had a doe and a 2 ½ year old deer came off the hill to the south heading east. At 6:15 I had a doe come from the SE and work around to the north of me. At 6:30 I looked over my right shoulder and come on the trail heading to the east was a 2 ½ year old 9 pointer. It had a 17” spread (5 on the left and 4 on the right). I grunted to him and he stopped and made a scrape about 60 yards away. He then turned and decided to follow the doe back to the east. Totals: 4 deer, 2 Doe and 2 bucks.

October 8, 2007 PM

October 8, 2007, PM Temp 58 degrees, Wind W 15 mph, overcast, Sunset 6:44 pm (hunting close 7:14 pm) I got out a little later than I had hoped (work). I didn’t get into the stand until 5:25 pm. I decided to go to Nate’s new stand we called the “Jolly Roger.” It has finally started to cool down and fall is in the air. I was surprised that the evening was fairly slow. I only saw one small 6-8 pointer that cam in from the north and stopped about 20 yards away, rubbed his antlers on the tree branches and then walked up the hill. Otherwise the evening was fairly uneventful. Totals: 1 deer, 1 buck.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007 PM

Sunday, October 7, 2007 pm, Temp 78 degrees, Wind from S 10 mph, Cloudy with showers earlier. Sunset 6:43 pm (Hunting close 7:13 pm). I went out late because it was raining up until 5:45. I got in the stand about 6:00 pm. Because I was so late, I decided to go to the Ridgeback stand. At 6:30 a doe came in behind me on the way to the corn field. At 6:55 pm, a nice buck (8 pointer) came in from the east and headed up towards me. He stoped at 10 yards and gave me some good video (see attached). He was a litle spooky, but walked off up the hill through my shooting lane. At 7:10 a doe with two fawns came through from behind me. The doe actually was directly under my stand. That is two deer in two nights under my stand. Kind of crazy. May need to start hunting with a spear. They eventually walked off to the west towards to corn field. Totals for tonight: 5 deer, 4 does/fawns, 1 buck.

Sunday, October 7, 2007, AM

Sunday, October 7, 2007 am, Temp 70 degrees, Wind, S 10 mph, Overcast, Sunrise 7:18 am (huning hours 6:48 am). I decided to go to Arlie's Knob. To not scare anything in the corn field, I went down to the apple tree stand and then up the ridge to the stand. I got in abou6:25 am. The morning was pretty uneventful except I was able to witness a hawk glide through the woods and pick up some breakfast (mouse). It was really cool to see. I was about to get down, when I looked to my right (north), and saw a nubbin buck heading to the east. He was on Arlie's property and then crossed through the fence. He came through my shooting lane at about 20 yards and then decided to bed down on the hillside for about 30 minutes. It was 9:15 am, so I tried several calls to try to scare him away. It didn't make any differnce, I tried grunts, bleats, roar, etc. and he wouldn't leave. After a while, he final got up and walked and fed up the hill. He actually ate some of the branches that we had cleared before we moved the stand. I snuck back down the ridge and back to the house. Totals; 1 deer, 1 Doe/Nubbin Buck

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Saturday, October 6, 2007 PM

Saturday, October 6, 2007 pm, Temp. 80 degrees, Wind S/SE 15-20 mph, partly sunny Sunset 6:44 pm (close 7:14 pm). After adding some more gravel to the trail on the way to border patrol (we are gong to put in another culvert), Nate and I got to our stands. Nate decided to go to the Jolly Roger and I went to Arlie's knob. At 6:30 pm Nate have 2 does come through. One from behind him and one from the south. They moved off together to the south. At 6:45, the same small 8 pointer (it is the same one we have been seeing) came from the border patrol stand and walked to within 10 yards of Nate. He did get some video, we just need to figure out how to upload it from his camera to the blog.
My night was pretty slow until dark. At 7:15 there was a doe that walked from the east going west up the hill along the property line. Two minutes later, the big 8 pointer came through about 15 yards to the north. Unfortunately, it was too dark to video. I wouldn't have shot him as I have already passed him up several times this year. About 5 minutes later a small 6 pointer came through on the same trail. I was hoping he would follow the other buck, but instead he decided to hang a round for a while. He actually walked over and was directly under my stand. I could have jumped on his back. I have had deer close before, but he was sniffing the tree my stand was in. I got a little tired so I shifted my feet and drop some dirt from the bottom of my boots on his back. He didn't like this and trotted off. Hilarious. Totals: Bob 3 deer, 2 bucks and 1 doe: Nate 3 deer 2 does/fawns, 1 buck.

Friday October 5, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007, PM, Temp 80 degrees, Wind S/SE 20 mph, Partly sunny. Sunset 6:45 (shooting close 7:15 pm) Nate and I got the first culvert on the way to Right Field in place and put some gravel over it. Looks awesome. Now we will be able to put in a food plot over by the "sugar shack." We have never been able to get the tractor over to that side of the creek and now we have access. Very excited for next year. There was a lot of noise down by the valley, so didn't have very high expectations. As Nate mentioned we did trim out the Jolly Roger and moved Arlie's knob down the hill to the east about 25 yards. I went to the Ridgeback Stand and got in about 5:10 pm. I did kick up a doe on the way in by Heather stand. Kind of crazy because we had the ATV about 50 yard from there about 30 minutes earlier. Nothing else to report. The sit in the stand was slow. Totals: 0 Deer.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007 PM

Thursday October4, 2007, Temp 78 degrees, Wind S/SE 5-10 mph, Sunset 6:50 pm (Hunting Close 7:20 pm) Overcast skies, Finally got back after a week in South Dakota. Decided to try my luck at a new stand called Arlie's knob. Got into the stand at about 5:00. I did kick up a doe on the way in. At 5:40 pm, 6 Tom turkeys worked their way into Arlie's pasture. They were about 40 yards away but through the brush (and I don't have a tag- but I did get some video- see below). At 6:20 pm, a small buck sneaked in behind me and was about 30 yards to my east (behind me). He kind of walked off towards Heather's stand. About 6:25 pm , and doe followed the buck but was a little bit further east. At 7:10 pm a big doe sneaked in behind me to about 5 yards and then worked her way towards Arlie's field. I think it makes sense to move this stand down the ridge about 3o yards. I will look at my options tomorrow. Totals: 3 deer, 2 does and 1 buck.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New stand same buck

So it was a beautiful evening, 76 degrees, SE wind at 10-15 mph. I got in a little early and hung a new stand on the backside of Right Field. I moved the trail cam while I was at it too. No pictures to speak of since Monday so I figured it was ok to move it. I got the stand set and at 6:30 a buck appeared, small 8 pointer, he then decided to sprint towards my tree. I am not sure what was going on with that deer, but somewhat strange. He then fed up the hill towards the cut bean field behind me. At 7:10 a doe and two fawns walked across a small meadow and eventually to the north of me. So totals for the evening: 4 deer, 1 buck, 3 does.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Night Doe's

October 1st

So with the full moon behind us, looking forward to the next full moon as it should start the rut. I headed out tonight to a new location the VAT stand. The temp tonight was 60 degrees with a SE wind at 5 mph. This stand is located in the valley between two hills, kind of a transition area before they head to the corn at night. At 6:40 PM the first doe came through presenting a 10 yard shot numerous times before she headed up to the uncut corn field. Then at 7:10 PM 5 does came from the NE towards the stand and passed by offering a shot at 15 yards. No deer with headgear tonight, kind of the theme for me this season as I have not seen very many bucks. I moved the trailcam tonight and set it up on a trail that crosses the creek. I will check it later this week and see if we have any bucks moving down in the valley. I will keep you posted. Goodluck out there to all the other states who opened up their bowhunting seasons today!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 29, 2007 AM

Sunday, September 29, 2007, Temp 60 degrees, Wind N/NW 10-20, Slightly overcast, Sunrise 7:01 am (Hunting opener 6:31 am) I decided to go to my bow tand south of Copper creek on the rock plateau. Lon decided to go up top on birch point. We got into our stands about 6:10 am. At 7:00 am, I saw some movement off to my left and caught a glimpse of a big deer crossing the trail about 75 yards away. I only caught the tail end, but it sure looked like a big deer. Lon - O. Totals: 1 deer, 1?
Supposed to rain/thunderstorm back on the 009, so I will probably not hunt tonight. Leaving for South Dakota for work in the morning, so no hunting for this guy until Thursday pm. Buckslayer. OUT

September 29, 2007 AM

Saturday, September 28, 2007, Temp 60 degrees, Wind N/NE 1-2 mph , Slightly overcast, Sunrise 7:00 am (Hunting opener 6:30 am) Got to our stands at 6:10 am. I went to Acorn Alley and Lon went to his new Tower stand. Both of us stayed until 9:00 am with nothing to report.

September 27, 2007 PM

Friday, September 27, 2007, Temp 70 degrees, Wind N/NE 1-2 mph, slightly overcast, Sunset: 7:01 pm (hunting closed 7:31 pm)
I drove down to Ferryville, WI, and decided to go to Lon’s gun stand on the north side of the highway. Lon decided to go to the permanent stand on the north side of the property. We got into the stands at 5:10 pm. At about 6:00 pm, 3 big does came in to the field to the north of me from the east. They were in the field until dark. Lon didn’t see a deer. Overall, pretty slow evening, but at least I have now seen my first deer (s) in Wisconsin. Tomorrow morning, I am going to the new stand in “Acorn Alley.” Totals for tonight: 3 deer, 3 does.

September 27, 2007 AM

Friday, September 27, 2007, Temp 41 degrees, Wind N/NE 5 mph, overcast, Sunrise: 7:04 pm (hunting open 6:34 pm)

Do to the lack of time I decided to go to the ladder stand. I got into the stand about 6:15 am. I did kick a couple of deer up on the way in. At 7:40 am, 2 does and a fawn came through from the SE and headed my way. They all eventually came through about 15 yards away. They must have been around for 45 minutes. The fawn walked around to the east of me and eventually passes thru to the north heading west. About 15 minutes later another fawn came from the same direction (I think it was the same deer) and played around behind me for about 10 minutes before heading back to the west. I had a meeting, so I had to get down at 8:30 am. Totals for this morning: 3 deer, 2 does and 1 fawn.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007, PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007; Temp 70 degrees, Wind N/NE 5-10 mph; Sunset 7:04 pm (Closing 7:34 pm) Nate and I were able to get out again tonight. We both arrived at our stands at about 5:30 pm. I decided to go back to the Ridgeback stand and Nate went to the NWT stand. All I can say is it must have something to do with the full moon, but tonight was slow. I actually got shut out (O deer!!) for the first time in Minnesota all season. Nate did see one doe that came in from the west and bedded down about 40 yards away and didnt leave until Nate decided to get down. After getting down, Nate went over to the field and did see 2 smaller bucks and a couple of does in the alfalfa fields. All in all, a slow night. Hopefully tomorrow am will be a different story. Buckslayer OUT
Pic is from new Moultrie I-40 Trailcam. Very cool that it gives temp, moon phase, date, time, and all for $200 bucks. Great deal!

September 24, 2007, AM

Monday, September 24, 2007, Temp 60 degrees, Wind S/SE 5 -10 mph, Sunrise 7:01 am (hunting hours 6:31 am), I had jury duty in the afternoon, so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and get out and do a little hunting in the am. Nate is still recovering from his nasal surgery so he decided to join me. I decided to go to the usual ladder stand and Nate went to the apple tree stand.
I had 5 does and fawns filter from the corn down the hill to the south east throughout the morning. Unfortunately, none of them came out towards Nate. One of the does and fawns came through at about 10 yards to the north, really neat.
After I got down I walked down to Nate and looked for a place to hang some new stands. After we got back to the house, we went out and moved an old stand from the cornfield to its new location about 150 yards to the SE of the ladder stand on a nice ridge. As such, we have now called this stand the "Ridgeback." After cutting some shooting lanes, we hung another stand and cut some shooting lanes. This new stand is about 100 yards north of this Ridgeback stand along the north border of the property. We have decided to call this stand "Arlie's Nob."
Totals for this am: 5 deer all does and fawns.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 25, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 pm; Temp 60 degrees, Wind out of SE 5 mph, Sunset 7:06 (hunting close 7:36 pm). Decided to go to the new stand that Nate and I hung yesterday. I had jury duty in the afternoon, so after our hunt in the morning we put in two new stands. I decided to go to the "Ridgeback" stand which is a stand about 150 yards to the SE of the infamous ladders stand. Got to the stand at 5:30 pm. I did kick up a small doe and fawn on the way in. After I got settled in, the first video (5:55 pm) is of a 7 pointer that I have a picture from my trail camera from a month ago. He came right down the trail and offered me a perfect shot at 10 yards. He actually stopped and ate some leaves off of the branches we had to trim for shooting lanes. He may be a 8 pointer if you count the little kicker off his left base. A nice big doe and fawn came through with him as well. At 6:20 pm, I looked down the hill and the same smaller 8 pointer and his buddy the larger 8 were down the hill. They both slowly walked the same trail as the 7 pointer and both offered me a perfect broadside shot at 10 yards. The second video is of the smaller 8 and the third video is of the nicer 8. One more year with the latter, and he will be awesome. This bachelor group was traveling with a couple of does, one of which came over to the base of my stand and actually took a pee underneath me. Pretty wild. At 6:50, two does and two small fawns came through behind me (south) heading west towards the corn field. At 7:15, two does came up the trail and eventually passed my stand on their way to the field. Totals for tonight 13 deer, 10 does/fawns, 3 bucks.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007, Temp 82 degree, Wind 15 mph from S/SE. Sunset at 7:11 pm (closing 7:41 pm) I decided to go to Heather's stand. (Something new). I left for the stand at about 5:30 pm. I hadn't been in the stand for more than a minute and this small nubbin' cam through (see attached). He was about 8 yards away and had no idea I was there. I heard him coming and he was "meowing like a cat." I wish that I could have gotten that on video. Pretty cool. About 6:45 the medium 8 pointer came through to my south about 35 yards away heading to the corn. (this is the other video) I did see 3 toms in the field about 100 yards to the north in Arlie's field. At 7:15 a doe came through on the same trail, and then about 5 minutes later a fawn (still had some spots) ran through trying to catch up with its mom. Pretty funny. Totals for tonight: 4 deer, 3 does/fawns, and 1 Buck.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

This was my first morning in 2007 on the stand in Wisconsin. Sunrise 7:00 am (Shooting light 6:30). Temp 58 degrees. Wind from South at 5-10 mph. Went to my stand near the cliff on ths south side of Copper creek. Slow morning. Sat from 6:00 to 9:00 am. Only saw 1 tom and 1 jake turkey at about 35 yards. No video. Oh well. I did some scouting after I got down, and I hung a new stand (Named it Acorn alley). It should be ready to hunt next weekend. Buckslayer out

September 21, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007, Temp 72 degrees, Wind S/SW 15 mph, overcast and rainy, Sunset 7:12 pm (hunting close 7:42 pm)

This 009 guy bugged out of Cannon and decided to try his luck in Wisconsin. Went down to my folks place south of Ferryville, WI to hunt the coulees. All I can say, is this is some “BIG” buck country. It started to rain once I got to Lacrosse and the rest of the way to the farm. I waited for it to clear, and finally at about 6:00 pm there was a small break in the weather. I decided that I can only shoot deer if I am in the stand, so I decided to brave the weather. I went to the Twin Towers and it was a quiet night. I did see 4 does/fawns on the ranger (ATV) while on the way in, and 2 does on the way back. It was still a great night, even if I did get a little wet. Totals (and I hate to report this for the first time all year) - 0 deer

September 20, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007, Temp 74 degrees, Wind S/SE 30 mph, overcast, Sunset: 7:14 pm (hunting close 7:44 pm)

Bubba and I went to our stands about 5:30 pm. Skies were overcast and threatening rain. I was in the ladder stand and Bubba went to right field. At about 6:55 pm a small doe came through from the west (corn) heading east about 25 yards to the south of me. She hooked up with the same small 8 pointer and they turned around and came back to the west. She kept going to the west and into the corn and he circled towards me. I had an opportunity to take some more video, but I think all of you are kind of getting tired seeing him. He did go to the same tree (10 yards away) that the 4 pointer and 6 pointer were rubbing on a couple of nights ago. Pretty cool stuff.
At 7:00, Bubba did see a decent deer in the field about 150 yards to the south and east, but could not tell what it was. It bedded down and stayed for a while before it moved on. The wind really picked up and it started to rain, so we both got down from our stand at about 7:40 pm. Not a great evening, but at least some quality time in the stand. Totals: 2 deer, 1 Buck, 1 doe

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday evening, Sept. 22nd

So Bob was down in Wisconsin for the Badger game, plus threw in a few days in the stand at his parent's place on the Mississippi River. So I headed out tonight and got situated in the now infamous "ladder stand". The temp tonight was 78 degrees and a 10 mph wind out of the south. Around 6:30 I had a few familiar faces show up, two fat "slickheads" (does) came in and mingled around. I will attach a video later of these two. So it was getting dark pretty fast and a little forkhorn and 8 point showed up at dark. Neither of them shooters, but did have a good time tonight. The neighbor to the south was cutting corn and beans, so with Bob's field still standing it could bring in the bucks. Keep checking in!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


September 19, 2007; Temp 71 degrees, Wind out of N 5 mph, Sunset 7:15 pm (hunting close 7:45 pm). Another good night. Bubba and I went out tonight. Got into our stands at 5:30. Bubba was hunting the Northwest Territory (NWT) and I was in my usual place in the ladder. I got Bubba into position and then went back to the ladder. Not 10 minutes after I sat down, the same 8 pointer came in to about 4o yards to my east. He played around for about 15 minutes then went back towards Heather stand and bedded down 100 yards away. I watched him through the binocs for about 30 minutes. A doe and fawn came in from the south and went towards the east and the bedded buck. Another 2 does and fawn came from the NE at about 7:00. Finally they decided to come in a little closer. The does came thru in front of me to the south and the buck happily followed. That is where the attached video is from. Fortunately, they headed straight towards Bubba. All four deer came by him, but the buck never offered him a shot. (25 yards but in the brush) He also so one small fawn which came from the corn and stopped right in front of him. Great night by both of us. Totals: 6 deer 5 does/fawns and 1 Buck.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

3 bucks in one (5 Total) 9-18-07

Well, it was close. I got home from work and it had been raining all day. I talked to Nate, and he said that the weather report for tonight didn't look good. I decided to check the satellite myself, before giving up on the evening. I checked and it didn't look too bad, most of the rain was going north of me, so I decided to head to the ladder stand. It proved to be a wise move. Because of the rain, it was nice and quite getting in. Temp 71 degrees, wind from S- SE, Sunset tonight was 7:17 pm. (Closing 7:47 pm)

I got settle in about 6:00 pm. I did kick up a doe on the way in. About 15 minutes later a doe came in to about 10 yards. Then a few more does moved through. Then the fun began. At about 6:25 pm, 35 yards out the first 8 point came through. Then his bigger buddy (8 point too). Then a little 4 pointer (he has little tine brow tines, not long enough to score) came on the same trail. I did get some video, but they kind of stayed in the brush about 25 yards to the north. They decided to turn and come back and that is when the show began. On the video attached, you will be able to see all three of the bucks in the 30 second spot. Nothing huge, but the one 8 is pretty nice. I watched them for about 10 minutes before the disappeared behind me. About 20 minutes later another buck (six pointer) and 5 does and fawns came through. As I watched the does head to the west (corn), the six pointer started coming my way. I looked behind me and he met up with his buddy ( a 4 pointer) and they began pushing and shoving each other (just 10 yards away). Just as this was going on, I heard something to my left and looked and there were 3 more bucks pushing each other around (about 30 yards away). I think these were the same 3 that had come through earlier. I did catch a little video of the bucks pushing and shoving, but it was really too dark to post. Sorry about that. What an awesome site, wish the video had turned out better.

Totals for tonight - 14 deer - 5 Bucks and 9 does/fawns.

Hopefully more to post soon.

Buckslayer - Out

Monday, September 17, 2007

3rd Buck from 9-17-07

3rd buck from 9-17-07. 35 yards away. How big??

Video of 2nd buck from 9-17-07

Here is a quick video of the 2nd buck that came through. 35 yards away. Tough to tell how big he is. Let us know what you think?

September 17, 2007

I have to admit, this work is really getting in the way of my passion of hunting whitetails with a bow. I was unable to hunt this morning, so I had to settle for this afternoon. I am still ahead of pace of having more trips to the stand then days in a hunting season (5 trips and 3 days into into the season).This afternoon was 80 degrees, overcast, wind from SE at about 15 mph. I decided to go to the apple tree stand, which proved to be a wise choice. I have to admit, I had a first tonight, the guys actually had me surrounded. More about that later.

I didn't get into my stand until 5:45 pm (work). At about 6:30 a nice tom with a 10" beard and two jakes came through about 75 yards to my east. At 7:00, two does came in and fed underneath my stand. About 7:15 a doe and fawn came through heading to the corn/beans to the west. At 7:30, I was surrounded. The first video is of a 2 1/2 year old eight pointer at about 10 yards to the north. As you can see, I had to turn on the "night vision" during the take to get a good look at his rack. I guess his spread to be about 13"-14." Next, I had a nice buck come thru about 35 yards away and captured a quick video of him (not quite sure how big he is). Right after him, was this 3rd buck, tough to see again, but appears to be a twin of buck # 2. About 5 minutes after that, there was a fourth buck to my SE about 40 yards out and it was too dark to take any video. Sorry about that. So to one time I had the 8 pointer to my west (behind me), I had buck # 2 to the north of me (left), buck # 3 to the east of me (front) and buck #4 to the SE (right). I guess that is what you call surrounded in a good way.

What a great night. Totals - 8 deer total 4 bucks and 4 does/fawns. Hoepfully more tomorrow night.

Buckslayer Out

Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 16, 2007 Afternoon

Warmed up - Temp 71 degrees. Wind from south 11 mph. I went to Apple tree stand. Hunted from 5:30 pm - 7:50 pm. Did see 2 tom turkeys cross the trail 150 yards to south going towards the house. At 7:40 pm, I did see a nice 7-8 pointer (take a look at the picture from my trail camera from a couple of weeks ago- I think this is him) coming from the Border patrol stand. Totals - 1 Buck (8 pointer)

Buckslayer - Out

September 15th am - Apple Tree Stand

September 15, 2007, Sunrise 6:20 am, Temp 31 degrees, Wind from S/SE 3-5 mph, Here is some video from opening morning. About 7:30 am. this little guy came in underneath my tree. He tempted me, because he was in velvet (and 5 yards away), but I let him walk. Pretty cool. - Buckslayer

Totals - 1 Buck, 5 does/fawns

Extra Footage

An Extra video of the buck Bob let walk this morning.

Check out the video and let us know what you think.

Morning September 16th

Sunrise was at 6:20 am. Wind was from the South at 5 mph. Temp 54 degrees. Got to stand about 5:55 am. I did kick a couple of deer up on the way to the ladder stand north of the house. After settling in 1 doe came through when it was still dark about 10 yards to the north. About 7:30 am a doe and fawn came by and hung around for about 15-20 minutes. At 7:45 I did see a small fork horn about 30 yards to the south that went east down the hill.
At 8:00 am things started getting interesting. Coming from the north was this nice 10 pointer. (see attached video). I had him at 10 yards and was videoing him using my new camera. It is the second day of the season, so I really didn't want the season to be over so quickly. That, and I turned the camera on but forgot to hit record. By the time I realized that I forgot to hit record, he started to move off. When he turned, I made my decision that I probably should have shot. You can see, I get to full draw, but would have had to rush to get the shot off. Oh well, he should be awesome if he makes it to next year. I may be kicking myself come December is the freezer is still empty.
Climbed down at 9:00 am, and I didn't know it but he and some does had bedded down about 100 yards behind me. A doe saw me, and took off with 3 others, and he decided to follow. I am quite sure that he never saw me. At least I hope so. Totals: 2 bucks, 6 does/fawns

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Evening Hunt Sept. 15th

So tonight was set up to be brilliant, but it turned out that it was a little slower than anticipated. I only saw a doe and fawn and 4 racoons. I guess all in all a pretty successful first day in the stand for 2007 season.

September 15th Opening Day

Just wanted to give everyone the morning update. So we, (Bob, Nate, and Bubba), were in the stand this morning bright and early. You would have thought that it was Mid-November judging by the temperature this morning. The wind was from the South at 15 mph and the actually temp was 31 degrees. So needless to say, it was cold for an opener.

Nate headed out first as he had the farthest to go up to Right Field. Nate's stand overlooks a bean field that looked promising. He had a few deer sneak behind him and was caught by a doe probably because he forgot to use the WhiteLightning and eliminate his scent. I think he must of been smelling of bacon grease from the morning breakfast. He did see a good shooter buck and a few does, but the buck didn't present a shot for him.

Bob on the other hand was in the apple tree stand in the bottom where he had ample opportunity to take a doe or a young six pointer still in velvet. We will try and put that video on here so you can check it out. The deer moved late today around 7:30 am.

Bubba was in the stand that had the best bucks and most deer, the stand nearest the house. The deer were on Bubba early and often. Bubba told us that he had deer under him immediately and a young buck presented a shot, but something distracted him from behind. It was a 12 point buck that passed at 30 yards. Bubba decided to let him walk as he didn't give him the best angle to shoot at.

So all in all a very successful morning for the three of us as we saw a grand total of 6 bucks and countless does and fawns.

Keep checking in for the Double 009 Buck Reports!