Monday, November 5, 2007

November 4, 2007

November 4, 2007, AM Temp 43 degrees, Wind N/NE 10-15 mph, mostly sunny, Sunrise 6:46 am (hunting open 6:16 am). Finally, Daylight savings ended. Now we can get up earlier and hunt a little later. I decided to go to the Rock outcrop bow stand. I got in about 5:50 and at about 6:20 two does came running down the trail behind me (about 10 feet away) to the north. They ran right by the buck decoy that was about 15 yards to the NW (upwind) side of me. I was hoping there would be something chasing them, but no such luck. At 6:30 am, a doe and two fawns appeared on the trail about 50 yards to the south. Instead of walking up the trail towards me, they ended up going west up the hill and fed back to the south on the logging road. At 6:50, I looked over my shoulder, and this small eight pointer was walking towards me down the trail. He got directly behind me at about 5 yards, when he spotted the decoy. He immediately circled to the west and tried to get downwind of this intruder. He walked directly under my stand and was absolutely mesmerized by the decoy. Got some of the video attached. I watched him for 5 minutes as he tried to figure out why this deer was not moving except for the tail (I have a piece of plastic grocery bag tied on as a tail). After a few enjoyable minutes he decided to take off to the NW. As he turned to leave, I gave him a soft grunt, and he came right back into the shooting lane. Too funny. I stayed until 9:15, but that was it. Totals: 6 deer, 5 does/fawns, 1 Buck.

1 comment:

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