Friday, October 19, 2007

A"Doe Parade"

Friday, October 19, 2007 PM, Temp 55 degrees, Wind N/NW 25-30 mph, Cloudy and cool, Sunset 6:22 pm (Hunting close 6:52 pm) Well it was great to finally get out. It has been raining almost constantly all week long. I got out tonight about 4:45 pm. As I was walking to the Ridgeback stand, I kicked up a doe and fawn. The doe was between the RB and ladder stand and the fawn ran down the trail between the ladder stand and Heather's stand. About 2 minutes after I got in the stand a nubbin buck was about 75 yards away down in the valley to the east of me. I have to post this video of this little nubbin. You can barely see the spots on him and you can actually see his "package" when he lifts his leg to scratch his nose. Pretty funny. After about 30 minutes he started working my way. He actually was directly under the stand and was sniffing the steps in the tree. He finally walked off to the NE. At about 6:00 pm, a doe and a fawn were under Heather's stand and moved off to the NE. About 5 minutes later 2 more does came from Heather's stand and fed towards the south about 30 yards to the west of me. At 6:20 four more does came from the NE coming towards me heading south, just then I spotted another doe to the east of me and she came up to the west to meet the other four ladies. They all stayed around till dark and eventually headed west up towards the fields. Totals: 10 deer, 10 does/fawns. (maybe some of them were repeats, but at least 7 different)

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