Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 24, 2013 All Day

Friday, October 24, 2013. All day. Sunrise: 7:40 am. Hunting opens: 7:10 am. Sunset: 6:05 pm. Hunting closes: 6:35 pm. Temperature: 30 degrees. Wind: S-SW 5-10 mph. Mostly sunny. I had to get Charley to bed before I could leave Cannon Falls and take off for Copper Creek. It was a short night as I did get here till 11:00 pm. I got up this morning at 5:35 am and got ready. I decided to give Dam's gun stand a try. I was all set and ready to roll at 6:45 am. At 8:15 am, I hopped down and trimmed a few branches that were obstructing some of my shooting lanes. I didn't have the opportunity to clean out any stands this summer. At 8:25 am, a doe came running across the hillside from west to east about 80 yards down the hill to the north of me. It passed me, then turned around and ran back where it had come from. That was it. At 2:00 pm, I decided to get down and relocate. I grabbed all the chips from the cameras and went back out. I decided to give the Twin Towers a shot. I was all set up by 3:50 pm. At 4:30, I heard something to the SE of me. It was a flock of about 10 turkeys. The closest they for was 45 yards away in the brush. At 6:10 pm, a doe and two fawns came out into the field from the SE corner. They were 100 yards away and feeding. The big doe and fawns came right up to me. The doe got to 10 yards broadside, but I didn't buy a bonus tag in Wisconsin. They were dead down wind and never spooked. Nose Jammer works. That wa it. Totals: Bob - 4 deer. All does and fawns. 

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