Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012 am

Saturday, November 10, 2012 am. Sunrise: 6:50 am. Hunting opens: 6:20 am. Temperature 49 degrees. Mostly cloudy. Wind: E-SE 10-15 mph. This morning, I decided to give Theron's stand a try. I was pleased that I was able to walk directly to the stand in the dark as I have yet to put out the reflective pins to help mark the trail. I did run a short scent line on the main trail to the north of me and I put out a couple of scent wicks. I was up in the stand and ready to go by 5:45 am. At 5:50 am, I had two deer run through the valley to the north if me going from west to east. Obviously, it was too dark to see what they were. At 6:20 am, I had a nice shooter buck come through the valley about 70 yards to the north of me going from west to east. I grunted to try and get him to come up the hill but he just kept going. At 6:45 am, I heard a buck grunting and chasing a doe up in the field to the north if me. He was chasing her from east to west. I was never able to see what he was. At 9:10 am, I heard two deep grunts to the SW of me up the hill. They seemed fairly close. I grunted back and even did a light rattling sequence, but he never came down off the hill. At 9:30 am, i heard two more grunts to the SW of me up the hill. I grunted back, but he just would not come down. That was it. Totals: Bob 1 deer, 1 buck.

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