Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 22, 2012 - Buck Fawn

All, I was out cutting some buck thorn yesterday, and almost stepped on this little guy. He was just off the trail down below the house near the main food plot. I was able to snap this picture with my camera phone from about 2-3 feet. He didn't move a muscle and just stayed there and slept. I am guessing he was just a few days old. I can't wait to see him in 3-5 years. Good luck this fall. Buckslayer

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Here are some pictures from the MN morels!  We picked 2 weeks ago and had about 5 lbs.  Then I ran across 5.5 lbs of them on Wednesday night.  Then we ventured out this morning and found 9 lbs.  It has been a great season and we haven't even really hunted all too hard!  We might be out again tomorrow. Has anyone else had success this year?

 5.5 lbs
 Large Morels!

The Kids had a blast!
The best part, frying them up!